Utilization of Play in the Instructional Delivery of Kindergarten Education Journal title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal Authors: Myra Natividad, Maria Beatriz Capinpin Subject(s): Education, Psychology
A Review of the 2024 Revision of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki Journal title: Medicine and Philosophy Authors: Haihong ZHANG,Yali CONG, Subject(s): Philosophy of Medicine
The Help-Seeking Behavior of Male College Students in Kabankalan Catholic College Journal title: Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal Authors: Roy Javilla, Jewel Pineda, Leah Grace Quinto, Ma.Christine Roque, Rile Vergara, Kisha Kaye Vinson, J... Subject(s): Education, Psychology
HELMİNTOZLARIN İMMUNOLOJİ ASPEKTLƏRİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Sürəyya Vəkilova, Gülnarə Əliyeva Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
Müasİr şəraİtdə antİhelmİnt preparatların effektİvlİyİ və onlara qarşı davamlılığın hazırkI vəzİyyətİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Akif Salehov, Fəxrəddin Xanmirzəyev, Şəhla Canəhmədova , Gülnarə Əliyeva, Yeganə Abbasova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
MÜASİR ŞƏRAİTDƏ HELMİNTOZLARIN DİAQNOSTİKASI, MÜALİCƏSİ VƏ ONLARIN SƏMƏRƏLİLİYİNİN ARTIRILMASININ ƏSAS PRİNSİPLƏRİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Akif Əyyub oğlu Salehov, Şəhla Nurəhməd qızı Canəhmədova, Fəxrəddin İsrafil oğlu Xanmirzəyev, Gülnar... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
nai6ka@hotmail.com ORAL MANIFESTATION OF COVID-19 Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Jalə Həsən qızı Zeynalova, Şəhla Rafael qızı Yusubova, Şəfəq Əlif qızı Məmmədova, Nailə Sabir qızı Z... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
TROPOPAUZA SƏVİYYƏSİNDƏ UÇUŞ ŞƏRAİTİNİN QİYMƏTLƏNDİRİLMƏSİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Fidan Natiq qızı Nurullazadə Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
The Water Regime of Forest Shelterbelts in the Dry Steppe of the Altai Territory Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Aleksandr S. Manaenkov, Polina M. Podgaetskaya Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Stress Analysis of Fatigue Fracture in Primary Steel Springs for Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Bogies Journal title: Urban Mass Transit Authors: You SHU, Shihai XUE, Zhiyuan LIU, Dianmai ZHOU, Yu WANG, Wenkang ZHANG, Hongdi ZHAO Subject(s): Transportation Science & Technology
Graduate Tracer Study for the Bachelor of Science in Cooperative Management Graduates, SY 2013-2014 To SY 2017-2018, Mariano Marcos State University, Philippines Journal title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis Authors: Errol John V. Valdez, Hadjie P. Argel Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Economics, Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Technological Change, Health science
Relationship between puerarin and urothelial carcinoembryonic antigen 1 expression in apoptosis and autophagy of esophageal cancer cells Journal title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Research Authors: LI Jing, WANG Jumei, TIAN Jingrong, BI Lihua, GAO Yuanyuan, SHANG Hong Subject(s): Medicine
Hyperparameter Optimization of ANN, SVM, and KNN Models for Classification of Hazelnuts Images Based on Shell Cracks and Feature Selection Method Journal title: Journal of Agricultural Machinery Authors: H. Bagherpour,F. Fatehi,A. Shojaeian,R. Bagherpour, Subject(s): Engineering, Agricultural Science
Development and evaluation of food products incorporated with Carabao Mango (Mangifera indica var. carabao) pulp powder Journal title: Peninsulares International Journal of Innovations and Sustainability Authors: Rowena Valerio, Alvin James Gonzales, Adrian Perdio Subject(s): Education, Engineering, Management Science/Operations Research, Agricultural Science, Public Policy Sciences, Energy, Environmental, Accounting, Health Care Sciences & Services, Public Administration
APPLICATION OF COMPREHENSIVE CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICS FOR ADHESIVE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION IN CHILDREN (LITERATURE REVIEW) Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Yusupaliyeva G.A., Manashova A.R., Bekimbetov K.N., Sattorov B.B. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science