Identification of environmental Actinobacteria representing an occupational health risk Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Justyna Skóra, Bogumiła Szponar, Mariola Paściak, Beata Gutarowska Subject(s): Medicine
Identyfikacja aktynobakterii środowiskowych stanowiących potencjalne zagrożenie zawodowe Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Justyna Skóra, Bogumiła Szponar, Mariola Paściak, Beata Gutarowska Subject(s): Medicine
The paradigms of social sciences and triangulation of research methods in management accounting Journal title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości Authors: Bożena Nadolna Subject(s):
The value of human life: a comparative analysis of evaluation methods for costs of road occurrences Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Agata Jaździk-Osmólska Subject(s):
CHOROPLETH MAP AND DIAGRAM MAP – ABOUT MERGING METHODS OF CARTOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION Journal title: Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development Authors: Jolanta Korycka-Skorupa Subject(s):
UNUSUAL GRAPHIC SOLUTIONS AND THEIR PLACE IN CLASSIFICATION OF CARTOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION METHODS Journal title: Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development Authors: Jolanta Korycka-Skorupa Subject(s):
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Transportation Systems in Supply Chains Journal title: Archives of Transport Authors: Dariusz Pyza Subject(s):
DIAGNOSIS MODERN SYSTEMS OF MARINE DIESEL ENGINE Journal title: Journal of KONES Authors: Rafał Krakowski Subject(s):
Evaluation of economic effects of population ageing - methodology of estimating indirect costs Journal title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny Authors: Agata Schubert, Marcin Czech, Anita Gębska-Kuczerowska Subject(s):
Model of knowledge representation about materials in the form of a relational database for CAPCAST system Journal title: Archiwum Odlewnictwa Authors: B. Mrzygłód, K. Regulski Subject(s):
Development of Children's Creative Activity in Preschool Journal title: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education Authors: Anna Klim-Klimaszewska Subject(s):
The Importance of Mathematical Difficulties and Failures Journal title: Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education Authors: Anna Klim-Klimaszewska, Ewa Jagiełło Subject(s):
Comparative analysis of e–learning and traditional teaching methods in the fields of nursing and physiotherapy in the Medical University of Białystok Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: W. Półjanowicz, R. Latosiewicz, B. Kulesza–Brończyk, K. Piekut, A. Niewiński, ST. Terlikowski Subject(s):
BADANIE NAGRZEWANIA SIĘ FILTRÓW CHRONIĄCYCH PRZED SZKODLIWYM PROMIENIOWANIEM PODCZERWONYM Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Grzegorz Gralewicz, Janusz Kubrak Subject(s):
EXAMINATION OF HEATING PROCESS OF FILTERS PROTECTING AGAINST HAZARDOUS INFRARED RADIATION Journal title: Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska Authors: Grzegorz Gralewicz, Janusz Kubrak Subject(s):