Methods of nutrition assessment in patients with head and neck cancer Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Teresa Małecka-Massalska, Krzysztof Chara, Paweł Gołębiowski, Magdalena Władysiuk, Krystyna Lupa-Za... Subject(s):
Manual lymphatic drainage in patients with lymphoedema after neck dissections Journal title: Issues of Rehabilitation, Orthopaedics, Neurophysiology and Sport Promotion-IRONS Authors: Sławomir Marszałek, Łukasz Łuczewski, Jakub Pazdrowski, Magdalena Kordylewska, Paweł Golusiński, Agn... Subject(s):
DETECTION OF P16INK4A IN ORAL CAVITY AND OROPHARYNGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science Authors: Dr. S. Premalatha, M.D., Dr. I.Vijay Sathish Kumar, M.D., Dr. S. Ravi, M.D., Dr. M. John Raj Suresh,... Subject(s):
Effect of copper(II) the activity of glutathione peroxidase in patients with head and neck cancer Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Katarzyna Malinowska, Alina Morawiec-Sztandera , Ireneusz Majsterek , Dariusz Kaczmarczyk Subject(s):
Instrumental evaluation of dysphagia after oropharyngeal cancer surgery with free flap reconstruction Journal title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny Authors: Barbra Jamróz, Joanna Chmielewska, Magdalena Milewska, Kazimierz Niemczyk Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology
Bilateral Radical Neck Dissection with Unilateral Internal Jugular Vein Reconstruction by Autologous Saphenous Vein Journal title: INTERNATIONAL INVENTION JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES (IIJMMS) Authors: Subject(s):
Report from the analysis of implementiation of 4th Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week in Department of Otolaryngology in Międzyleski Hospital in Warsaw Journal title: Otolaryngologia Polska Authors: Karolina Dżaman, Mirosława Pietniczka–Załęska Subject(s):
Clinicopathological study of benign and malignant head and neck tumours Journal title: MedPulse -International Medical Journal Authors: Sarita D Dakhure, Raviraj R Naik Subject(s):
Sialic acids in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Izabela Bronikowska, Elżbieta Świętochowska, Mariusz Oleksiak, Eugeniusz Czecior Subject(s): Medicine
Impact of Fluconazole Prophylaxis on Oral Mucositis and Nutrition Status of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Manal Hamed El-Hamamsy Subject(s):
SPLIT-COURSE ACCELERATED HYPERFRACTIONATED RADIOTHERAPY IN HEAD AND NECK CARCINOMA- AN EXPERIENCE IN TERMS OF LOCAL TUMOUR CONTROL AND TOXICITY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Ramesh Arya, Vinay Shivhare, Preeti Jain, Allwin George, Love Goyal, Minal Iyer, Vaibhav Saini Subject(s):
Accelerated Fractionation Radiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer: A Boon to Centers with High Patient-Resource Ratio Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Abdulkhader Shehna Subject(s):
Prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants in head and neck cancer Patients: A follow-up study Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Dariusz Rolski, Konrad Juszczyszyn, Robert Nieborak, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Rehabilitacja implantoprotetyczna pacjentów po operacjach nowotworów w obrębie głowy i szyi – obserwacje odległe Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Dariusz Rolski, Konrad Juszczyszyn, Robert Nieborak, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Geographic mapping of head and neck cancers in Nanded, Maharashtra, India: A hospital based study Journal title: Pathology Update: Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology Authors: Balkrishna Harishchandrarao, Shubha Arvind Deshpande Subject(s): Medicine, Microbiology, Pathology