EUROPEAN UNION REGULATION ON PREVENTION FROM SHARPS INJURIES IN HOSPITAL AND HEALTHCARE SECTOR Journal title: Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) Authors: Mariela Yaneva-Deliverska Subject(s):
A study to assess burnout among nurses of maternity department in Gauhati Medical College Hospital, Assam Journal title: Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences Authors: Marami Baishya, Bivarani Goswami Subject(s):
The Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV And HIV of The Healthcare Workers in Erzurum Palandöken State Hospital Journal title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE Authors: FATMA KESMEZ CAN, Abdullah CAN, Selma SEZEN, Erdal TEKİN Subject(s):
Increased rates of vaccination among healthcare workers through cause-directed solutions: a state hospital example (Nedene yönelik çözümlerle artan aşılanma oranları: ikinci basamak hastane örneği) Journal title: Turk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi Authors: Zehra KARACAER, Hüsrev DIKTAŞ Subject(s):
A study on surveillance of vaccine preventable disease and adverse events following immunization Journal title: The Journal of Community Health Management Authors: Vijaydeep Siddharth, Vivek Adhish, J. K. Dass Subject(s): Medicine
Assessment of Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Healthcare Workers in Primary Care Journal title: Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE) Authors: Linares Cánovas LP*, Linares Cánovas LB, Linares Montano A, Pérez Martín MM and Naranjo Ferregut JA Subject(s): Health Care Sciences & Services