slugPower Efficient Fir Filter Design

Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

Authors: Ranjini.C, Thiruvenkadam.S

Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics

slugGoats and sheep adapted to the tropics

Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology

Authors: Bonifácio Benicio de Sousa ▪ Antonio Wlisses Alves Benicio ▪ Talícia Maria Alves Benicio

Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science

slugInfrared thermography applied to rhea (Rhea americana)

Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology

Authors: Jânio Lopes Torquato ▪ João Batista Freire de Souza Jr ▪ João Paulo Araújo Fernandes de Queiroz ▪ L...

Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science

slugAspects related to animal welfare in pig production

Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology

Authors: Tiago Vieira de Andrade ▪ Paulo Henrique Amaral Araújo de Sousa ▪ Cicero Pereira Barros Júnior ▪ La...

Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science

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