Measurement and Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Using Variable Blade Pitch Control Mechanism Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: M. Shuwa, G. M. Ngala, A. M. El- jummah Subject(s):
“Horizontal” human rights and positive obligations Journal title: Юридические науки и образование Authors: Maksim Izhikov Subject(s):
Diferenţele culturale în oglinda orizonturilor temporale Journal title: Caietele „Lucian Blaga” Authors: Irina Dincă Subject(s):
Theoretical approaches to the typology of spatial forms of business activity in the region Journal title: Регіональна Економіка Authors: Svitlana D. Shchehlyuk Subject(s):
Assessment of the single shot hit probability as a function of the horizontal range taking into account different target types and points of aim Journal title: Vojnotehnički glasnik Authors: Vadim Khaikov Subject(s):
Nonlinear Analysis of the Effect of Horizontal Construction Joint on the Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Journal title: IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) Authors: Mohamed abou elmaaty amin, Mohamed Mahmoud hussein, Mohamed Elshrakawy Subject(s):
Pro Bessarione poeta Journal title: Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe Authors: Hanna Zalewska-Jura Subject(s): Economics
Method of Calculation of Maximum Snow Loads on the Horizontal Area on the Territory of the Transcarpathian Region by Rendered Forms Journal title: Металлические конструкции Authors: Yaroslav Huk, Ivan Naybauer, Elvira Novak, Aleksandr Huk Subject(s):
Applications of Rotational Stiffness in Numerical Methods for Reinforced Concrete Elements Subject to Horizontal Efforts Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Sergiu Ciprian Catinas Subject(s):
THE HEURISTIC POTENTIAL OF THE THEORY OF N. LUHMANN COMMUNITY TO ACHIEVE SOCIAL NEGENTROPY Journal title: Вісник Львівського університету Authors: Олександр Найдьонов Subject(s):
The theoretical features of the setting and organizational structure risks of political parties in the context of democratic development of intra-party ties Journal title: Politicus Authors: К.Ю Одарченко Subject(s):
Evaluation of Pile's Buckling Under Axial Load by B-Spline Method and Comparison with Finite Element Method and Exact Solution Journal title: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING SCIENCES Authors: A. Moghaddam, S.M. Mirhosseini Subject(s):
The geochemical distribution of the heavy metals in the forestlands of the moor Şaru Dornei Journal title: Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - seria Geologie Authors: Bogdan Constantin Cazacu Subject(s):
Unsteady Numerical simulation of turbulentforced convection in a rectangular pipe provided with inclined porous baffles Journal title: Journal of New technology and Materials Authors: Fethallah Fakiri, khadidja Rahmoun Subject(s): Technology, Chemical sciences, Physical sciences
The current state and perspectives of the development of interbudgetary relations in Ukraine Journal title: Прикарпатський юридичний вісник Authors: Г. Я. Наконечна Subject(s):