An Inquest into Common Humanity through Myths and Mythologies: Joseph Campbell’s Paradigm Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Okoro Kingsley N Subject(s):
A glance at Mythology of Sacred Bovine in the Indo-Iranian Ancient Beliefs Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Nader Faraji Subject(s):
КРИЗИС РАЦИОНАЛЬНОСТИ КАК ОСНОВА МИФОТВОРЧЕСТВА В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ КУЛЬТУРЕ Journal title: Гуманітарний часопис Authors: Вікторія Жадан Subject(s):
Lexical and Semantic Features of Mythonyms in the Harry Potter Series Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Maftuna Abduolimova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science