Technological aspects in the production of pequi pulp flour Journal title: Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável Authors: Priscilla Narciso Justi, Sueli Marie Ohata, Cândida Aparecida Leite Kassuya, Maria Lígia Rodrigues M... Subject(s):
The long-term effects of static stretching at different times of day on hamstring peak torque and flexibility in trained individuals Journal title: Physiotherapy Quarterly Authors: Amr Almaz Abdel-Aziem, Amira Hussin Draz, Dalia Mohammed Mosaad Subject(s):
A Clinical Trial to Study the Effect of 5 Week Core Strengthening Protocol on Shoulder Strength in Young Obese Individuals Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Peeyoosha Gurudut Subject(s):
Study on Reduction Kinetics of Iron Ore Sinter Using Coke Dust Journal title: International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Science and Engineering (IJMMSE) Authors: ARGHYA MAJUMDER, BITAN KUMAR SARKAR, MAHARSHI GHOSH DASTIDAR, GOPES CHANDRA DAS, RAJIB DEY Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Biology
Modelowanie adaptacyjnego sterowania procesem blokowania przekładni hydrokinetycznej autobusów lotniskowych Journal title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe Authors: Grzegorz Koralewski, Rafał Wrona Subject(s):
Arginine kinase in Toxocara canis: Exon–intron organization, functional analysis of site-directed mutants and evaluation of putative enzyme inhibitors Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine Authors: Susiji Wickramasinghe Subject(s):
Tuning the short chain branch distribution of ethylene and 1-hexene copolymers by SiO2-supported silyl chromate catalyst with different Al-alkyl co-catalysts Journal title: Polyolefins Journal Authors: Ning ZHAO, Ruihua Cheng, Qi Dong, Xuelian He, Zhen Liu, Shiliang Zhang, Minoru Terano, Boping Liu Subject(s):
Kinetics of ethylene polymerization over titanium-magnesium catalysts: The reasons for the observed second order of polymerization rate with respect to ethylene Journal title: Polyolefins Journal Authors: Mikhail A. Matsko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zakharov, Marina I. Nikolaeva, Tatiana B. Mikenas Subject(s):
Imido-modified SiO2-supported Ti/Mg Ziegler-Natta catalysts for ethylene polymerization and ethylene/1-hexene copolymerization Journal title: Polyolefins Journal Authors: Ting Fu, Ruihua Cheng, Xuelian He, Zhen Liu, Zhou Tian, Boping Liu Subject(s):
How can pH value during catalyst preparation affect the performance of vanadium-modified (SiO2/MgO/ MgCl2)•TiClx Ziegler-Natta polyethylene catalysts Journal title: Polyolefins Journal Authors: Ting Fu, Ruihua Cheng, Xuelian He, Zhen Liu, Zhou Tian, Boping Liu Subject(s):
A competent protocol for large scale production of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) through meristem culture Journal title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science Authors: J. Udhutha, S. C. Mali, H. A. Sahare Subject(s):
Removal of Congo red dye from aqueous solutions by a low-cost adsorbent: activated carbon prepared from Aloe vera leaves shell