Isolation and Screening of L-asparaginase and L-glutaminase Producing Bacteria and their Antimicrobial Potential from Environmental Sources Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Jennifer Emelda Edward Arockia Raj,, Athmanathan Baskaran, Subbaraj Dinesh Kumar,, Indrajith Sureka,... Subject(s):
PRODUCTION OF THE ANTITUMOR L-GLUTAMINASE ENZYME FROM THERMOTOLERANT Streptomyces sp. D214, UNDER SUBMERGED FERMENTATION CONDITIONS Journal title: Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences Authors: Magda M Aly, Roqayah H Kadi, Alia M Aldahlawi, Mayson H Alkhatib, Abdulwahab Noor Wali Subject(s):
Garden City University, School of Sciences, Bangalore-560 049, Karnataka, India Journal title: International Journal of Research and Review Authors: Nagamani J.E Subject(s):
Microbial production of glutaminase enzyme Journal title: Journal of Research in Biology Authors: Mario Khalil Habeeb Subject(s):
REVIEW ON ANTICANCER ENZYMES AND THEIR TARGETED AMINO ACIDS Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Dr. Naga Rathna Supriya Subject(s):
REVIEW ON ANTICANCER ENZYMES AND THEIR TARGETED AMINO ACIDS Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Dr. Naga Rathna Supriya Subject(s):