Walking through the lanes of disgust, pain and suffering in the black corridors of sexual exploitation Journal title: Progress in Health Sciences Authors: VM Upadhyaya, R Gumashta Subject(s):
ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION OF INTRACELLULAR CHITOSANOLYTIC ENZYMES OF Mucor circinelloides Journal title: Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives Authors: Katarzyna Struszczyk, Mirosława Szczęsna-Antczak, Marta Walczak, Tadeusz Antczak Subject(s):
The chemical composition and ruminal degradation of the protein and fibre of tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia harvested at different growth stages Journal title: Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences Authors: G.J. Zhang, Y. Li, Z.H Xu, J.Z. Jiang, F.B. Han, J.H. Liu Subject(s):
Standarization of the method to determine the expression of P-selectin on platelets by means of the flow cytometer and comparison with impedance aggregometry method in acute myeloid leukemia patients Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Joanna Bienias, Krystyna Jagoda, Mirosław Markiewicz, Agata Wieczorkiewicz-Kabut, Sławomira Kyrcz-Kr... Subject(s):
Acute myeloid leukemia during pregnancy. A case report and review of the literature Journal title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych Authors: Dariusz Kata, Ewelina Lieber, Katarzyna Duda, Tomasz Goc, Anna Wacławik, Sławomira Kyrcz-Krzemień, A... Subject(s):
Uncommon localization of amyloidosis in gallbladder: Description of a case and brief literature review Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Daniela Tirotta, Vittorio Durante Subject(s):
Pre operative cardio pulmonary assessment of the liver transplant candidate Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Graciela Martinez-Palli, Andrés Cárdenas Subject(s):
Primary hepatic amyloidosis: a mini literature review and five cases report Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Ya-Dong Wang, Cai-Yan Zhao, Hong-Zhu Yin Subject(s):
Portal hypertension and acute liver failure as uncommon manifestations of primary amyloidosis Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Blanca Norero, Rosa María Pérez-Ayuso, Ignacio Duarte, Pablo Ramirez, Alejandro Soza, Marco Ar... Subject(s):
Liver transplantation followed by autologous stem cell transplantation for acute liver failure caused by AL amyloidosis. Case report and review of the literature Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Mayada Elnegouly, Katja Specht, Heinz Zoller, Edouard Matevossian, Florian Bassermann, Andreas... Subject(s):
ACTIVITIES OF THE MARITIME INSTITUTE IN THE MACHINES EXPLOITATION AREA Journal title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego Authors: Roman Smolka Subject(s):
GLYCOALKALOID CONTENT IN THE TUBERS OF POTATO MANURED WITH UNDERSOWN CATCH CROPS IN THE INTEGRATED AND ORGANIC PRODUCTION SYSTEM Journal title: Folia Pomeranae Universitatis Technologiae Stetinensis Agricultura Alimentaria Piscaria et Zootechnica Authors: Artur MAKAREWICZ, Anna PŁAZA, Barbara GĄSIOROWSKA, Natalia OPATOWICZ Subject(s):
Steel plate curvatures of soil-steel structures during construction and exploitation Journal title: Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty Authors: Czesław Machelski Subject(s):
Przeszczepianie szpiku po przygotowaniu chemioterapia i napromienianiu całego ciała. III. Opis przypadku. Journal title: Nowotwory Journal of Oncology Authors: K Sułek, M Kłos, I Federowicz, J Nowak, R Carewicz, Z Dańczak-Ginalska, P Kukołowicz Subject(s):
Toxic effect of Pb, Cd, Ni and Zn on Azolla filiculoides in the International Anzali Wetland Journal title: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Authors: M. Khosravi, R. Rakhshaee Subject(s):