Discovering a Secure Path in MANET by Avoiding Black Hole Attack Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Hicham Zougagh, Ahmed Toumanari, Rachid Latif, Y. Elmourabit, Noureddine Idboufker Subject(s):
TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF DSR, AODV AND OLSR USING TCP AND UDP Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Diya Naresh Vadhwani , Deepak Kulhare Subject(s):
Energy Efficient Routing In MANET Using OLSR Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Sangeeta , , Kirti Singh Subject(s):
Implementation of AOMDV, OLSR & ZRP Protocol for Analysis of Performance Matrices in VANET Scenario Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Sonal Dubey Subject(s):
[u][/u]Effect of Different Mobility Patterns on AODV and OLSR using Different TCP variants Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Karamjeet Kaur , Pawan Luthra Subject(s):
Analysis of AOMDV and OLSR Routing Protocols Under Levy-Walk Mobility Model and Gauss-Markov Mobility Model for Ad Hoc Networks Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Gowrishankar.S, , SubirKumarSarkar , T.G.Basavaraju Subject(s):
Detection and Isolation of Packet Dropping Attacker in MANETs Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ahmed Abdalla, Ahmad Almazeed, Imane Saroit, Amira Kotb Subject(s):
Design and Analysis of QoS Routing Framework integrated with OLSR protocol for Multimedia Traffic in Mobile Adhoc Networks Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: S. Soni, J. S. Shah Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
QoS frameworks for Multimedia Traffic in Mobile Adhoc Networks: A Comparative Review Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: S. Soni, J. S. Shah Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
Performance measurement of MANET routing protocols underBlackhole security attack Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Md. Humayun Rashid , Md. Rashedul Islam Subject(s):
Performance Of OLSR Routing Protocol Under Different Route Refresh Intervals In Ad Hoc Networks Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: P.Suganthi , Dr.A.Tamilarasi Subject(s):
Bins Formation using CG based Partitioning of Histogram Modified Using Proposed Polynomial Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: H. B. kekre, Kavita Sonawane Subject(s):
Image Retrieval using DST and DST Wavelet Sectorization Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Dr. H.B.Kekre , Dhirendra Mishra Subject(s):
Performance Evaluation of Reactive, Proactive and Hybrid Routing Protocols in MANET Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Manijeh Keshtgary , Vahide Babaiyan Subject(s):
An Eye View of Technical Communication in English Language among Engineering Students in Southern Tamil Nadu (India): An Analysis in the Postmodern Era Journal title: GATR Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review Authors: A. Hariharasudan, S. Robert Gnanamony, S. Rajaram Subject(s):