Peculiarities of rotavirus infection in children with different genotypes of the lactase gene Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Abaturov, Y. Stepanova, O. Gerasymenko Subject(s):
Особливості перебігу ротавірусної інфекції у дітей з різними генотипами гена лактази Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Abaturov, Y. Stepanova, O. Gerasymenko Subject(s):
Current views on the functional colic in infants Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: О.S. Nyankovska Subject(s):
The Incidence of Functional Disorders and Clinical Symptoms that May be Associated with Lactase Deficiency in Infants of Lviv Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: R.V. Tkach, S.L. Nyankovskyy, O.S. Nyankovska, M.S. Yatsula Subject(s):
Clinical Significance of Excess Lactose in the Diet (Part 2) Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: O.Ye. Abaturov, A.O. Nikulina Subject(s):
Clinical Significance of Excess Lactose in the Diet (part 1) Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: A.Ye. Abaturov, A.A. Nikulinа, Yu.V. Demydenko Subject(s):
Hydrogen Breath Test in the Diagnosis of Digestive Tract Pathology Journal title: Гастроентерологія Authors: Yu.M. Stepanov, I.Ya. Budzak, I.S. Konenko Subject(s):
Topical Questions of Diagnostic and Correction of Lactase Deficiency in Children and Adolescents Journal title: Гастроентерологія Authors: Yu.I. Reshetilov, I.I. Redko, N.N. Protsenko, L.F. Kuznetsova, O.Yu. Vasilchenko, T.V. Bogoslav Subject(s):
Assessment of quality of life in adolescents with obesity associated with polymorphisms of the lactase gene Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A.E. Abaturov, A.A. Nikulina Subject(s):
Genetic Factors in the Pathogenesis of Rotavirus Infection in Children Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: I.I. Nezgoda, O.M. Naumenko, G.V. Makukh, A.Ya. Buk Subject(s):
Features of endocrine status in obese children and polymorphisms of the lactase gene Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: A.A. Nikulina Subject(s):
Expression of galectin-9 mRNA in obese children with polymorphism of the lactase gene Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: A.E. Abaturov, V.E. Dosenko, A.A. Nikulina Subject(s):
Clinical forms of lactase deficiency in children Journal title: Гастроентерологія Authors: T.V. Sorokman, N.A. Popelyuk, L.V. Shvygar Subject(s):
Lactose maldigestion in the formation of insulin resistance in obese children with various lactase gene genotypes and methods of treatment Journal title: Гастроентерологія Authors: A.E. Abaturov, Yu.M. Stepanov, A.A. Nikulina Subject(s):
Complex Interactions of Obesity, Dairy Food Intake and Genetics of Lactase Journal title: Journal of Obesity and Chronic Diseases Authors: Andrew Szilagyi Subject(s):