Nodule inhabiting non-rhizobial bacteria and their influence on growth of selected leguminous plants of Bangladesh Journal title: Bioresearch Communications Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences
Measures of pest control of grain legumes crops Journal title: Бюллетень науки и практики Authors: A. Kholliev, M. Imomova Subject(s): Technology
Textural, Bioactive and Sensory Attributes of Breadsticks Containing Germinated and Non-Germinated Legumes Journal title: Journal of Food Chemistry and Nanotechnology Authors: Dur-e-Shahwar Sattar, Tahira Mohsin Ali, Tanveer Abbas, Abid Hasnain Subject(s):
Determination of Digestive Degree and Metabolic Energy Values of Some Leguminous Feed Crop Harvest in Different Periods By In Vitro Gas Technique Journal title: Black Sea Journal of Agriculture Authors: Çağrı Özgür ÖZKAN, Adem KAMALAK, Mustafa ŞAHİN, Önder CANBOLAT Subject(s):
Dry matter and protein yields and leaf greenness index (SPAD) of alfalfa and festulolium depending on cultivation method and soil moisture level Journal title: Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering (ISSN 1642-686X) Authors: Mariola Staniak Subject(s):
Зміна структури ґрунту при вирощуванні бобових багаторічних трав Journal title: Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва Authors: Сергій Разанов Subject(s):
DETERMINATION OF THE INTENSITY OF RESPIRATION OF SMALL-SEEDED LEGUMES – THE KEY TO THEIR SAFE STORAGE Journal title: World Science Authors: Liudmyla Ovsyannikova, Olena Sokolovskaya, Viktoria Urkovskaya, Svitlana Orlova Subject(s):
Performance of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) BR.) varieties intercrop with legumes in Sudan Savanna of Nigeria Journal title: Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research Authors: Bassi J. A, Dugje I. Y Subject(s): Agricultural Science
An assessment of bioactive compounds and antioxidants in some tropical legumes, seeds, fruits and spices Journal title: Journal of Research in Biology Authors: Dilworth LL, Brown KJ, Wright RJ, Oliver MS, Asemota HN Subject(s):
Feeling the pulse of pulses: Focus on health issues for educating masses: A Review Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Health Research Authors: Anahat Kang, Harrajdeep Kaur, JS Kang, Harmeet Singh, Gurbir Singh Subject(s):
Zinc alleviates cadmium induced heavy metal stress by stimulating antioxidative defense in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] crop Journal title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science Authors: Dhiraj Kapur, Kamal Jit Singh Subject(s):
Sensitivity of legumes and soil microorganisms to residue of herbicide mixture of atrazine and mesotrione Journal title: Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology Authors: Marulak Simarmata Subject(s):
Damage to Seeds by the Working Bodies of Continuous Machines Journal title: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Authors: Maia Viktorovna Sukhanova, Viktor Petrovich Zabrodin Subject(s):
Response of Phaseolus vulgaris L. lines in late sowing Journal title: Biotecnología Vegetal Authors: Amanda Martirena-Ramírez , Novisel Veitía , Leonardo Rivero , Damaris Torres , Lourdes R García , R... Subject(s): Agricultural Science, Plant Sciences