Measurement Scales for the Supplier Development, Buyer-Supplier Relationship, and Supplier Performance in the Perspective of Suppliers of the Asian Countries Journal title: International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) Authors: H.L.M. De Silva, P.G.A.Jayarathne Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Geochemistry, Geophysics
EFFECT OF FLOOD DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ON THE LIVELIHOODS OF THE COMMUNITY LIVING ALONG RIVER NYANDO IN KISUMU COUNTY, KENYA Journal title: International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) Authors: SHENA RACHAEL W Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Geochemistry, Geophysics
Caracterización de las principales influencias climáticas externas en la precipitación y la temperatura del aire en la cuenca del río Paute - Andes del Sur del Ecuador Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Diego Mora, Patrick Willems Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
Necesidades percibidas por los clientes de un sistema CRM en empresas de compra online Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Alejandro Peña E., Juan P. Mejía O., Jhoany A. Valencia A. Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
Nuevas metodologías pedagógicas: Arte y discapacidad Journal title: Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad Authors: Laura De La Chica Herrador Subject(s): Education, Education Research
O marketing de relacionamento através da Gestão de Relacionamento com o Cliente (CRM) como estratégia de fidelização Journal title: Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad Authors: Ana Vivian Sarmento Silva, Eduardo Ângelo Marques, Maurício Vulcão da Silva, Sidney Gomes Viana Subject(s): Education, Education Research
O ensino de poliedros platônicos utilizando materiais manipuláveis no 2º ano do ensino médio Journal title: Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad Authors: Maurinete Costa dos Santos, Elisangela Dias Brugnera Subject(s): Education, Education Research
La resiliencia en estudiantes con Déficit Atencional por Hiperactividad Journal title: Revista Internacional de apoyo a la inclusión, logopedia, sociedad y multiculturalidad Authors: Lorena E. Pérez Quinteros Subject(s): Education, Education Research
Innovative Reporting About Corporation Business Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Саша Вученовић Subject(s): Economics
TAX INCENTIVES FROM INCOME TAXES IN ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN SERBIA Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Драган М. Момировић, PhD, Драган Здравковић Subject(s): Economics
Inclusion of stocks in the index Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Натко Благојевић, Силвије Орсаг Subject(s): Economics
The impact of austerity measures on economic growth in the Eurozone Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Васиљ Жарковић, Миленко Крајишник, Драган Глигорић Subject(s): Economics
Interdependence between tax policy and development of the SME sector: An empirical study in the Republic of Srpska Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Саша Петковић, Милица Видовић Subject(s): Economics
Analysis of possibilities for use of the integrated costs management in large production companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Рената Лучић Subject(s): Economics
ECONOMIC POLICY CHALLENGES OF SMALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIES Journal title: Acta Economica Authors: Lidija Lj. Madžar Subject(s): Economics