FATIGUE FAILURE ANALYSIS OF BIKE CRANK ARM USING SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION Journal title: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments (JMERD) Authors: Chetan N Madivalar, Dr. Tony Shay, Shreedhar Kolekar Subject(s):
Finite Element Analysis and Calculation of Normal Section Bearing Capacity of Steel Tube Bundle Composite Shear Wall Journal title: Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Authors: Zeng Ling Jiang Subject(s):
Coastal Flooding on Gravel-Dominated Beaches Under Global Warming Journal title: Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Authors: Rafael J Bergillos Subject(s):
The Effect of Claim Ratio and Solvency Margin Ratio on Tobin's Q with the Implementation of Risk Management as Moderation Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Vincentia Wahju Widajatun , Tanti Irawati Mukhlis , Oliver Hasan Padmanegara, Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance