Successful Pregnancy in a Case of Bicornuate Uterus with Pre Eclampsia and IUGR – A Case Report Journal title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Authors: Subject(s):
Subclinical Anal Sphincter Injuries Following Instrumental Delivery–A Physiological Analysis: A Pilot Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Girisha Balaraju, Shiran Shetty, Chandana Seetharama Bhat, Cannanore Ganesh Pai, Deeksha Pandey Subject(s):
Repeat Caesarean Section: A Clinical Study with Special reference to Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: PatarJagan nath, Malakar Himangshu, ronamika Konyak, BalsriCh Marak Subject(s):
TO COMPARE THE ANALGESIC EFFICACY OF 0.25% BUPIVACAINE AND 0.25% ROPIVACAINE IN TAP BLOCK AS A PART OF A MULTIMODAL ANALGESIA REGIMEN FOR POST CAESAREAN DELIVERY PAIN MANAGEMENT Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Meghna Maheshwari, Vimal Dangi, Sadhana Sanwatsarkar, Janki Singh Subject(s):
Obstetric Hysterectomy a life saving procedure and its complication Journal title: International Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Subject(s):
Success of VBAC in A Tertiary Hospital Journal title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Authors: Uma Pandey Subject(s):
Study on the Incidence of Perioperative Arrhythmias in Lower Segment Caesarean Section Patients Under Spinal Anaesthesia Journal title: Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia Authors: Nirmala B. C. Subject(s):
A Comparative Study of Feto-maternal Outcomes in Pre-labor Rupture of Membrane at Term Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY Authors: Mansi Shrigiriwar, Purnima Bhandari, Alka Patankar Subject(s):
Uterine rupture- A 10 years review in tertiary hospital Journal title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Authors: S. Nagajyothi, Sheela S.R, Anudeep .P, Ranjith Meela Subject(s):
Caesarean scar pregnancy: A rare form of ectopic pregnancy Journal title: Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Authors: Mily Pandey, Monu Singh, Achla Batra, B. Preethi, Inlo Miuli Subject(s):
Adverse perinatal outcome and mode of delivery in patients with meconium stained amniotic fluid Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology Authors: Dr. Shelly Khillan, Dr. Jiten Dahra, Dr. Parneet Kaur Subject(s):
Risk Factors Associated with Major Neonatal Birth Injuries During Caesarean Section in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Deepti Pinto Rosario Subject(s):
Incidence and causes of Peripartum Hysterectomy – A Prospective study Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences Authors: Dr. K. Vijaya Subject(s): Medicine, Health and Wellness
NON-STRESS TEST- A PREDICTION OF NEONATAL OUTCOME Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Sonal Agarwal, Anurag Aggarwal Subject(s):
Study of maternal and perinatal outcome in placenta praevia at tertiary care center Journal title: PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research Authors: Dr V N Kurude, Dr Divya Saha Subject(s):