Practical Experience in the Configuration And Implementation of SFN DVB-T2 Clusters in the Republic of Moldova Journal title: Цифрові технології Authors: M. I. Iacob, I. I. Demciuc, I. A. Avram Subject(s):
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL ORIGIN (CKDMFO) PREVAILING IN SRI LANKA REEVALUATED Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Prof. R. M. G. Rajapakse Subject(s):
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and its risk factors Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Akula Sanjeevaiah, Thota Srikanth Subject(s):
AYURVEDIC AND MODERN APPROACH OF VARICOSE VEIN - A LITERARY REVIEW Journal title: World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Authors: Dr. Vivek Kumar Tiwari Subject(s):
A Study on Employees Job Satisfaction at Borax India Ltd Company Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Domination, confrontation and agreement. The intervention of IMF in the Argentine crisis during 2002 Journal title: Conjuntura Austral: journal of the Global South Authors: Pablo Nemiña Subject(s): Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science
Absence of the Left Circumflex Artery Detected by Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography Journal title: Istanbul Medical Journal Authors: Aslı Tanrıvermiş, Sayit İlkay Çamlıdağ, Çetin Çelenk Subject(s): Medicine
CONFORTO E FUNCIONALIDADE: MODIFICAÇÕES NA MODELAGEM E NOS AVIAMENTOS DE PEÇAS DE VESTUÁRIO INFANTIL MASCULINAS Journal title: Revista Competência Authors: Bruna Lummertz Lima Bárbara Farias da Costa Subject(s): Education, Communication, Recreation and Leisure, Fashion, Management
Yaşamsal Tehlike Oluşturan Atipik Seyirli Ateşli Silah Yaralanması. Olgu sunumu Journal title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University Authors: Hüseyin KAFADAR, Safiye KAFADAR Subject(s): Medicine, Health Care Sciences & Services
Atipik Yerleşimli Septik Artrit Olgusu Journal title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University Authors: Selçuk AKSÖZ, İbrahim İNAN, Şehmuz KAYA, Şenol ÇOMOĞLU Subject(s): Medicine, Health Care Sciences & Services
Design and Performance Analysis of Blind Algorithm in Wireless Communication Journal title: Wireless Communication Technology Authors: Muhammad Yasin, Muhammad Junaid Khan Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Technology
Brazil is gaining its momentum in pharmaceutical development Journal title: Journal of Medicines Development Sciences Authors: Ana Paula Ruenis and João Massud Filho Subject(s): Medicine, Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Genomics Vault: A framework for precision medicine data management Journal title: Advances in Precision Medicine Authors: Bhupinder Bhullar, Guy Gross, Hakan Akozek Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Identifying the active pharmaceutical ingredient from a mixture of fumaric acid esters for the treatment of psoriasis: Hints from in vitro investigations Journal title: Advances in Precision Medicine Authors: Lilla Landeck, Adriana Amasuno, Ignasi Pau-Charles, Khusru Asadullah Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Combustion Efficiency of Wood Fuel in the Water Boilers KVU-2000 Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: V.K. Lyubov, A.N. Popov Subject(s): Technology, Forestry