KAJIAN AKTIVITAS ANTIKANKER EKSTRAK DAUN GUDE (Cajanus cajan) TERHADAP SEL KANKER KOLON SECARA IN VITRO Journal title: Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Authors: Muji Rahayu, Roosmarinto Roosmarinto Subject(s):
Pattern of Co-morbidities in Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition admitted in MTC of a teaching hospital of Westeren Rajasthan, India Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Tarachand Saini Subject(s):
Efficiency of Genexpert MTB/RIF in Patients with Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Pulmonary Tuberculosis Journal title: Актуальна інфектологія Authors: Ye.N. Raznatovskaia, A.A. Mikhailova, I.A. Kostenko Subject(s):
Carotid Intima – Media Thickness and Plaque Can Predict The Occurrence of Ischemic Stroke Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Asgad A. Abdalgbar Subject(s):
Nowe zasady oceny koncentracji eksterytorialnych w niemieckim prawie antymonopolowym Journal title: internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny Authors: Wojciech Łyszczarz Subject(s):
MINERAL TRIOXIDE AGGREGATE VERSUS BIODENTINE AS RETROGRADE FILLING MATERIAL- A CLINICAL REVIEW Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Sanjeev Srivastava, Ajay Paliwal, Isha Srivastava, Saraswati Sachan, Vineet Shah Subject(s):
Da ndy walker syndrome - a CMF involving brain - case report Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Joseph Abraham Subject(s):
AN EVALUATION OF CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE BY CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY IN TMT POSITIVE FEMALE PATIENTS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Bushra Khanam, Rishu Bansal, Aastha Bansal Subject(s):
The Role of Protein Kinase mTOR in Th2 Polarization of the Immune Response in Bronchial Asthma in Сhildren Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: O.P. Volosovets, S.P. Kryvopustov, O.V. Pavlyk Subject(s):
Energy Efficiency Methods In Ferrous Melting Foundries - Green House Gas E missions - A Review Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Ch. Parameshwar Subject(s):
BONE MARROW BIOPSY IN EVALUATION OF HAEMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Sandhya Rani Sahoo, Pranati Mohanty, Pallavi Bhuyan, Manjushree Nayak, Bidyut Prava Das Subject(s):
PROSPECTIVE ANALYTICAL STUDY ON THE MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCIES IN A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE Journal title: Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare Authors: Gayathriedevi Sellathamby S, Prabha Janakiraman J Subject(s):
Execution of Soft Handover in UMTS Using OPNET Simulator Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Shivani Acharya Subject(s):
A Review: Handover in 3G/UMTS Network Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Shivani Acharya Subject(s):
Implementation of Soft Handover in “3G” using OPNET Journal title: International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology Authors: Amandeep bhalla Subject(s):