Assessment of Nutritional Practices of Pregnant Mothers on Maternal Nutrition and Associated Factors in Guto Gida Woreda, East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia Journal title: STAR Journal Authors: Gemeda Daba| Department of Nutrition and Food Science, College of Engineering and Technology, Wolleg... Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Technological Change
Nutritional Status of Rural Pregnant Women Journal title: People's Journal of Scientific Research. Authors: L.H. Madhavi, H.K.G. Singh Subject(s):
Influence Exogenous Factors on Genomic Imprinting 1. Effect of Nutrition and Provision of Micronutrients in Mother on Genomic Imprinting Descendants Journal title: Здоров`я дитини Authors: A.Ye. Abaturov, M.S. Moroz Subject(s):
Influence of maternal nutrition status during pregnancy on developmental outcome in first 30 days of independent neonatal life Journal title: International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research Authors: Dhiraj J. Trivedi, Vijayalaxmi Shindhe, Chandramati J. Rokhade Subject(s):
Study of the effect of maternal nutritional status on the birth weight of the new born Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Pediatrics Authors: Khushbu Verma, Veenu Agarwal, Sujata Talan Subject(s):
RISK EFFECT OF MATERNAL NUTRITION ON BIRTH WEIGHT OF BABY- A PROSPECTIVE STUDY Journal title: Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences Authors: Anuradha Seedidhi, Geeta Kumari Ponnada Subject(s):
Effect of Maternal Diet Diversity and Physical Activity on Neonatal Birth Weight: A Study from Urban Slums of Mumbai Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Komal Manerkar, Devaki Gokhale Subject(s):
Maternal Nutritional Status and Its Relation with Birth Weight Journal title: International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Authors: Ms. Sarika Tyagi Subject(s):
Maternal nutrition knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers on nutritional status of their children under-five years at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya: A comparative study of socio-economic income Journal title: IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) Authors: Kevin Omondi Obonyo, Wambui Kogi- Makau, Sophia Ngala Subject(s):
Risk factors for obesity in 6 to 12-year-old children Journal title: Paediatrica Indonesiana Authors: Andy Japutra, Eddy Fadlyana, Anggraini Alam Subject(s):
Impact of Maternal Nutritional Knowledge on the Anthropometric Parameters of 0-12 years aged Children. Journal title: PARIPEX-Indian Journal of Research Authors: Riddhi Gupta, Dr. Sarmistha Chakrabarti, Dr. Suniti Ghosh (Chatterji), Dr. Debarshi Jana Subject(s):
Low birth weight is associated with maternal nutrition of Indian women Journal title: International Journal of Experimental Research and Review Authors: Monoj Maiti Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Mathematics, Miscellaneous, Medical Education
Nutritional status of exclusive compared to non exclusive breastfeeding mother Journal title: Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan Authors: Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti Subject(s): Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology, Nutrition and Metabolism