History of the Korean Theatre: Transitional Period Leading to the Modern Theatre 1902-1919 Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Wonjae Jang Subject(s): History
The Survey of Existential and Social Motives at the Post Modern Theatre Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Saeid Rahimipour, Lida Kheirisatar Subject(s):
ІS THERE DEFINITION OF HUMANITY? POETICS OF MONODRAMAS BY E. GRISHKOVETZ Journal title: Слов’янський збірник Authors: Joanna Baum Subject(s):
THE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF MYKOLA VORONYI’S THEORETICAL WORKS ON THEATRE AND THEATRICAL PEDAGOGY Journal title: Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв Authors: Olena Melnychuk Subject(s):
Political criticism in Turgay Nar’s play titled Gizler Çarşısı<p>Turgay Nar’ın Gizler Çarşısı oyununda politik eleştiri Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Nurullah Ulutaş Subject(s):