ANALIZA SILNIKÓW KLATKOWYCH PROGRAMEM POLOWYM Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Renata Sulima Subject(s):
ANALYSIS OF SQUIRREL CAGE MOTORS USING A FIELD PROGRAM Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Renata Sulima Subject(s):
HIGH SPEED ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY STORAGE Journal title: Journal of KONES Authors: Artur Rowiński, Andrzej Irzycki, Krzysztof Snopkiewicz Subject(s):
SMALL WIND TURBINE SIMULATOR Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Wojciech MATELSKI, Eugeniusz ŁOWIEC, Stanisław ABRAMIK Subject(s):
SYMULATOR MAŁEJ TURBINY WIATROWEJ Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Wojciech MATELSKI, Eugeniusz ŁOWIEC, Stanisław ABRAMIK Subject(s):
HYBRYDOWA METODA WYZNACZANIA SPRAWNOŚCI SILNIKÓW INDUKCYJNYCH Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Konrad Dąbała Subject(s):
HYBRID METHOD OF INDUCTION MOTORS EFFICIENCY DETERMINATION Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Konrad Dąbała Subject(s):
[b]Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of N-[4-(t-amino)-2- butynyloxy] phthalimides[/b] Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Zuhair Muhi-eldeen, Elham Al-kaissi, Riad Awad, Najah AlMuhtaseb, Kassim Al-shamma Subject(s):
Energy Conversion Loops for Flux-Switching PM Machine Analysis Journal title: Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Authors: E. Ilhan, T. E. Motoasca, J. J. H. Paulides, E. A. Lomonova Subject(s): Engineering, Technological Change, Information Science, Industrial Management, Civil Engineering
The Study of Asynchronous Motors Behavior in Artificial Load Journal title: ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA - Seria Inginerie electrica Authors: , Ion Vlad, Aurel Campeanu, Sorin Enache, Mihaela Tita Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering
Aspects Regarding Influences of Voltage and Resistant Torque on Asynchronous Motors Operation Journal title: ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA - Seria Inginerie electrica Authors: Sorin Enache, Aurel Campeanu, Ion Vlad, Monica-Adela Enache Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering
A Mathematical and Numerical Model for the Analysis of Hybrid Rocket Motors Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: Marius STOIA-DJESKA, Florin MINGIREANU Subject(s):
Considerations on Design and Control Modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Driving Electric Bicycles Journal title: ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA - Seria Inginerie electrica Authors: Nicolae Diga, Sergiu Ivanov, Silvia-Maria Diga, Virginia Ivanov Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering
Attitude Dynamics of a Spinning Rocket with Internal Fluid Whirling Motion Journal title: INCAS BULLETIN Authors: MARMUREANU Marius Ionut , FUIOREA Ion Subject(s):
Study of Low Power Alternating Current Motors by Functional and Energy Aspect Journal title: ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA - Seria Inginerie electrica Authors: Ion Vlad, Aurel Campeanu, Sorin Enache, Monica-Adela Enache Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering