Stan przygotowań polskiego systemu bankowego do przyjęcia euro Journal title: Rynek – Społeczeństwo – Kultura Authors: Justyna Chojnacka-Duraj Subject(s):
Strategia rozwoju jako efekt polityki pieniężnej Journal title: Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie Authors: S. Ryszard Domański Subject(s):
Rare case of gastric perforation with malrotation and volvulus: A case report Journal title: International Journal of Medical Research and Review Authors: Manish Pathak, Biangchwadaka Suchiang, Dipanshu Narula Subject(s): Medicine, Biomedicine, Microbiology, Anatomy, Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Otolaryngology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
O spójności polityki monetarnej ze strategią rozwoju (mechanizm destrukcji innowacyjności gospodarki w Polsce w latach 1990–2015) Journal title: Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy Authors: Stanisław Ryszard Domański Subject(s):
Plasma Selenium Level based on Dietary Intake in Geriatric Clinic Population at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung Journal title: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Authors: Ika M. Silviana, Nuraini Yasmin, Ronny Lesmana Subject(s):
Assessment of Plasma Selenium-Binding Protein-1 Level in Geriatric Population Journal title: Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Authors: Anisa F. Dewi, Lazuardhi Dwipa, Ronny Lesmana Subject(s):
MISSING VALUE IMPUTATION AND NORMALIZATION TECHNIQUES IN MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Journal title: ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing Authors: Manimekalai K, Kavitha A Subject(s):
Galenic Laboratory: State of the Art-A Scientific and Technological Discipline, Innovation and Management Journal title: Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Authors: Luisetto M*, Naserr A, Khaled E, Mashori GR, Benzi CR, Fiazza C, Cabianca L and Yurevich OL Subject(s): Pharmaceutical science