Effects Of Higher Order Chemical Reactions and Slip Boundary Conditions on Nanofluid Flow Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: D. Rajani, K. Hemalatha, M.V.D.N.S. Madhavi Subject(s):
Study of MHD Nanofluid over a Moving Surface with Thermal Radiation Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Sushma V Jakat, Raju B T, Achala L Nargund, S B Sathyanarayana Subject(s):
MHD Free Convective Flow of a nanofluid over A Permeable Shrinking Sheet with Binary Chemical Reaction And Activation Energy Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: S. Anuradha, K. Sasikala Subject(s):
Stagnation Point Flow Of Nan fluid Over a Linear Stretching Surface with the Effect of Non Uniform Heat Source/Sink. Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Yasin Abdela, Bandari Shankar, T. Srinivasulu Subject(s):
Powell-Eyring Nanofluid Flow through a Permeable Stretching Surface with n th Order Chemical Reaction Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: S. Anuradha, R. Praveena Subject(s):
Experimental Investigation of Electrical Conductivity and Ph of Mango Bark (Mangifera Indica) Based Nanofluid Journal title: American journal of Engineering Research Authors: BARKI, ., E.2 IBRAHIM,, J. S. 3 KUHE,, A 4 IORTYER, H. A Subject(s):
Heat And Mass Transfer In Non-Newtoniannanofluid Flow From A Vertical Melting Front Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: D. Rajani, K. Hemalatha Subject(s):
Calculation Of Heat Transfer Coefficient Of Cuo (Copper Oxide) Produced As Nanofluid And Creation Of Predictive Model Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Ahmet Beyzade Demirpolat, Aydın Çitlak, Mehmet Daş Subject(s):
Using Four Model for Predicting the Thermal Conductivity in the Analysis of the Efficacy of Nanofluid in a Double-Tube Heat Exchanger Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Navid Bozorgan Subject(s):
Performance of Helical Coil Heat Recovery Exchanger using Nanofluid as Coolant Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Subject(s):
A Review on Natural Convection in Nanofluid Flow Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Mohadeseh Miri, Farhad Vahidinia, Navid Bozorgan Subject(s):
Numerical Investigation of Nanofluid Mixed Convection in an Inclined Channel and Predicting Nusselt Number with Artificial Neural Networks Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Hamid Teimouri, Navid Bozorgan Subject(s):
Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Forced Convection Nanofluids Inside an Annulus Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie Authors: Farhad Vahidinia, Mohadeseh Miri, Navid Bozorgan Subject(s):
Do Nanofluids Really Enhance Heat Transfer? Journal title: Journal of New technology and Materials Authors: Houda Jalali, Hassan Abbassi Subject(s): Technology, Chemical sciences, Physical sciences
Antimicrobial effect of nanofluid including Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles and Mentha pulegium essential oil Journal title: Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology Authors: Subject(s):