Diagnostic Utility of MRI versus Nerve Conduction Studies in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Journal title: International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal Authors: Abdulkadir Koçer, Rukiye Kılıçarslan, Aslı Yaman, Hümeyra Dürüyen Subject(s):
Pattern of post injection nerve palsy in Mewat Region of Haryana Journal title: Indian Journal of Neurosciences Authors: Naresh Kumar, Kirti Sharma, Sibadatta Das, Anuradha Iyer, Sakshi . Subject(s):
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - An Unusual Entrapment Neuropathy With Hypertensive Microvascular Insufficiency Journal title: BMH Medical Journal Authors: Deviprasad Soman Subject(s):
Outcome of Guillain - Barré Syndrome in Children: A prospective cohort study in a tertiary hospital in Upper Egypt Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Sadek AA, Abou-Taleb A, Ali WA Subject(s):
Causative Role of Cigarette Smoking in Peripheral Neuropathy in Stable Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal title: IJSR-International Journal Of Scientific Research Authors: Dr. Vineeta Chadha, Dr. Surendra S. Shivalkar Subject(s):
Reliability of the Infraspinatus Test in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Clinical Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Marek A. Meder, Florian Amtage, Ruediger Lange, Michel Rijntjes Subject(s):
A Case of Acute Pure Sensory Guillian – Barr Syndrome Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr G S Bhatia,, Dr Neha Agarwal, Dr Isha Gupta Subject(s):
Applicability of Toronto Clinical Neuropathy Scoring and its Correlation with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Prospective Cross-sectional Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: D UDAYASHANKAR, Sarah S Premraj, K Mayilananthi, Vishwanath Naragon Subject(s):
Does Controlled And Uncontrolled Type IIDiabetes Mellitus Affect Median Nerve Conduction Parameters? - An Analytical Study. Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. D. Pole, Dr. S. Kayande, Dr. A. Khare Subject(s):
Nerve Conduction Studies in Leprosy- A Review. Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Priyanka Gupta, Dr. Amit Mainra, Dr. Aditi Dhanta Subject(s):
Comparative Study of Reaction Times in Type 2 Diabetics and Non-Diabetics Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Joginder Sidhu, Sameer Mittu, Hasrat Sidhu Subject(s):
Clinical Profile of Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus by Nerve Conduction Study Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Abhijeet A. Adgaonkar, Anant A. Dawange, Shalaka A. Adgaonkar, V.G. Kale, Pravin P. Shekokar Subject(s):
Nerve Conduction Response by Using Low-Dose Oral Steroid in the Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. Md Mahbubul Alam, Dr. Shamim Rashid, Dr. Abdul Halim Sarder Subject(s):
Serum B12 Levels in Type II Diabetics on Metformin Therapy and its association with Clinical Neuropathy Journal title: International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research Authors: Holay MP, Vyawahare M, Shekar K Subject(s):