Analysis of electrophoretic spectra of zeins for the evaluation of the genetic diversity of maize lines (Zea mays (L.) Merr.) Journal title: Plant varieties studying and protection Authors: L. M. Prysiazhniuk, T. M. Satarova, S. O. Tkachyk, Yu. V. Shytikova, B. V. Dzyubetskyi, V. Yu. Cherc... Subject(s):
SDS-PAGE and Densitometric Analysis of Myofibrillary Proteins: Actin and Myosin in Skeletal Muscle of Fluoride Intoxicated Rats Journal title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health Authors: A. Shashi, Nidhi Rana Subject(s):
Isolation and Purification of Microbial Glucan sucrase from Decayed Tooth extracts Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Authors: Polampalli Phani Deepika ¹,, Dr. D.Sudheer kumar, Prof M.Lakshmi Narasu³, Dr.P. Srinivas4 Subject(s):