Surgical treatment of laryngeal stenosis with semiconductor laser Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: A. Chernokur Subject(s):
The Capital Market as External, Institutional Mechanism of Corporate Governace Journal title: Zarządzanie i Finanse Authors: Katarzyna Żak Subject(s):
OBTAINING ACTIVATED CARBON FROM PAPAYA SEEDS FOR ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Subject(s):
[i][/i] Evaluating awareness and screening of cervical cancer among women in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Zakia Metwali1 , , Fatima Al Kindi2 , Sawsan Shanbleh3 , Sarah Al Akshar 3 , Fadi Sarhan4 Subject(s):
[b] CRUCIADA ALBIGENSĂ ŞI APARIŢIA INCHIZIŢIEI. CONSIDERAŢII ISTORICE[/b] Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: Mihai Dragnea Subject(s):
Options for Effective Management of Helminth Infection in Rural Poultry Fed with Termites in Ghana Journal title: Journal of Animal Production Advances Authors: B. Alenyorege , F. Addy , A. I. Saeed , A. S. K. Zakari Subject(s):
Implementing Project Management Category Process Areas of CMMI Version 1.3 Using Scrum Practices, and Assets Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ahmed Farid, A. Elghany, Yehia Helmy Subject(s):
Parvovirus B 19 Enfeksiyonunun Tetiklediği Atipik Papulopurpurik Erüpsiyon Journal title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi Authors: Şeyma Kayalı, Nilden Tuygun, Halise Akça, Can Karacan Subject(s):
Wpływ hexaamidocyklotrifosfazenu na zmniejszenie palności papieru Journal title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe Authors: Linsheng Tang, Wei Bi, Yang Ke, Hongbing Song, Yujia Liu Subject(s):
Prevalence of cervical dysplasias in patients with human papilomavirus infection. Chile Journal title: Ciencia e Investigación Médica Estudiantil Latinoamericana Authors: Andrea Verdessi, Francisco Perán, Roberto Espinosa Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine
Research on intelligent test paper construction algorithm and test paper quality evaluating system Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Zuping ZHANG, Xinpan YUAN Subject(s):
Nephroprotective activities of the aqueous seed extract of<br /> Carica papaya Linn. in carbon tetrachloride induced renal<br /> injured Wistar rats: a dose- and time-dependent study Journal title: Biology and Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
Nephroprotective activities of the aqueous seed extract of<br /> Carica papaya Linn. in carbon tetrachloride induced renal<br /> injured Wistar rats: a dose- and time-dependent study Journal title: Biology and Medicine Authors: Subject(s):
The Analysis of Genetic Polymorphism. The Relationship between Interleukin – 4 Polymorphisms and Intraepithelial Cervical Neoplasia Journal title: Applied Medical Informatics Authors: Ioana ROTAR, Sorana BOLBOACĂ, Daniel MUREŞAN, Radu POPP, Marius FĂRCAŞ, Felicia PETRIŞOR, Cristina B... Subject(s): Medical Informatics