Determination carcass condemnation causes of broiler chickens (Gallus Domesticus) at industrial slaughter house of Shaza Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M. Khodaei-Motlagh*| Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ara... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Performance of Sokoto Gudali heifers under different tick control measures in Ibadan Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: O.A. Olorunnisomo*| Department of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria., O.T. Lasis... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Effects of grass and concentrate feed on growth performances of rumbi lamb and meat fat composition Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M. Elaffifi*| Laboratory of food technology and nutrition Mostaganem University, Algeria., K. Bouder... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Seed dispersal by serrated tortoises (Psammobates Oculiferus) and the effect of their gut passage on seed germination Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: M.R. Setlalekgomo*| Department of Basic Sciences, Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone, Botswan... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Performance, carcass quality and cost benefit of pigs fed graded levels of dried brewers’ grains Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: T. Murashi| Chinhoyi University of Technology, Department of Livestock Production, P. O. Box A1, Chi... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
The influence of flock dynamics, reproductive performance and mortality on productivity of traditionally mana ged goats Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: N . Assan| Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Livestock Prodction, Bula... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Replacement value of sweet orange ( Citrus Sinensis ) peels for wheat offals in the perfo rmance of broiler starter diet Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: E.O. Ahaotu*| Department of Animal Production and Health Technology, Imo State Polytechnic Umuagwo,... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Some major factors affecting carcass composition in goats Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: A . Never| Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture Ma... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Case Study for the Prediction of Effect of Aspect Ratio Five on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Regeneratively Cooled Thrust Chamber By Considering Subcooling Journal title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Authors: Sarath Raj Subject(s): Engineering, Applied Linguistics
Effect of supplementing graded level of poultry litter and wheat bran on performance of Abergelle bucks Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: G. Gebreslassie*| Tigray Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia., R. Meseret| Tigray Agricultural... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Prospects for utilization of the relationship between zoometrical measurements and performance traits for poultry and livestock genetic improvement in developing countries Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: N. Assan *| Open University , Zimbabwe . Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Performance of wea ner rabbits fed diets supplemented with Pawpaw (Carica Papaya) leaf meal Journal title: Scientific Journal of Animal Science Authors: L. A. Saulawa*| Department of Animal Production & Health, Federal Unive rsity, Dutsin - Ma, Katsina... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Food Science and Technology, Animal Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
A fuzzy approach for determination of prostate cancer Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Authors: I. Saritas*| Faculty of Technology, Selcuk University Campus,Konya,Turkey. Tel: +90 332 2233354; E-m... Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology
A Mitigation Technique for Inrush Currents in Load Transformers for the Series Voltage Sag Compensator Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Authors: B.Hari Prasad| Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technol... Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology
Optimal Energy Management System for PV/Wind/Diesel-Battery Power Systems for Rural Health Clinic Journal title: International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Authors: Ani Vincent Anayochukwu*| Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Niger... Subject(s): Engineering, Nanotechnology