Pożytki ze znajomości osiągnięć digitalizacji w Stanach Zjednoczonych; Benefi ts from the knowledge of the digitalization achievements in the United States Journal title: Studia z Dziejów Państwa i PrawaPolskiego Authors: Ewa Wiśniewska Subject(s):
Obrazy Okrągłego Stołu w 25. rocznicę rozmów w Magdalence. Modele wyjaśniania i oceny obecne w polskim dyskursie prasowym Journal title: Przegląd Socjologiczny Authors: Konrad Kubala Subject(s):
Hematological qualities induced by Methanolic Leaf Extract of Allium ampeloprasum in white mice Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Zur Sowjetisierung der wolgadeutschen Sprachvarietät in den 20er‑ und 30er Jahren Journal title: Studia Germanica Gedanensia Authors: Marek Cieszkowski Subject(s):
Modulare Formen der Berichterstattung: Textsortennetze in der deutschen und polnischen Tagespresse Journal title: Studia Germanica Gedanensia Authors: Agnieszka Mac Subject(s):
Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi w redakcjach prasy katolickiej na przykładzie tygodnika „Niedziela” / Human Resource Management in the Catholic Press: The Case of the Niedziela Weekly Journal title: Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi Authors: Marek Łuczak Subject(s):
Pronunciation Barriers and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Coping the Demands of 21st Century in Second Language Learning Classroom in Pakistan Journal title: International Journal of Research in English Education Authors: Perveen Akhter Farhat, Hisham Dzakiria Subject(s):
Posterior Ring Apophysis Separation (PRAS): A relatively rare clinical entity in adolescents & young adults Journal title: Nepal Journal of Neuroscience Authors: Manish Kolakshyapati Subject(s):
Bifrontal Basal Interhemispheric Translaminaterminalis Approach for Resection of Suprasellar Lesions: Analysis of 17 Cases Journal title: Nepal Journal of Neuroscience Authors: Shamsul Alam, MBBS, MS Subject(s):
A Study on Morphometry and Morphological Variation of Suprascapular Notch in Dried Human Scapula Journal title: International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery Authors: Sudarshan Gupta, Zarna Patel, Deepak Howale Subject(s):
Feasibilty of Trans-sphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumors with Parasellar and Suprasellar Extension Journal title: Nepal Journal of Neuroscience Authors: Pranaya Shrestha, MBBS Subject(s):
Novel simultaneous HPLC Method for Cleaning Validation of Four API Drugs Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy Authors: Tentu Nageswara Rao, N. Krishna Rao, Karri Apparao, A. Muralidhar Reddy Subject(s):
Organizacja i zakres działań media relations oficerów prasowych jednostek policji Journal title: Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis Authors: Dariusz Krawczyk Subject(s):
A Case Report On Ayurvedic Management of Scleroderma – Anukta Vyadhi Journal title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports Authors: Dr. Swati R. Lanjewar, Dr. G. H. Kodwani Subject(s):
TO THE PRASLAVONIC ANTHROPONYMIC FUND (DERIVATIVES WITH THE ROOT *BÚRZ-) Journal title: Записки з ономастики Authors: V. Shulgach Subject(s):