Polyphenolic Content Evaluation in Branches of Rosa Canina L. and Hippophae Rhamnoides L. Species Journal title: BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IASI, CHIMIE SI INGINERIE CHIMICA Authors: Oana Teodora CIUPERCĂ, CARMEN ELENA ȚEBRENCU, Irina Volf Subject(s):
Nutraceuticals: Chemoradiation Sensitizers and Adverse Effect Resolvers Journal title: Herbal Medicine: Open Access Authors: Oroma Nwanodi B Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Assessing polyphenols content and antioxidant activity in coffee beans according to origin and the degree of roasting Journal title: Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny Authors: E. Dybkowska, A. Sadowska, R. Rakowska, M. Dębowska, F. Świderski, K. Świąder Subject(s):
The use of fruit extracts for production of apple chips with enhanced antioxidant activity Journal title: Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny Authors: T. Tarko, A. Duda-Chodak, D. Semik-Szczurak Subject(s):
Botanical Extracts Used as Wine Preservatives Journal title: International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Authors: Proestos Charalampos, Sflomos Konstantinos, Zoumpoulakis Panagiotis, Tatarides Panagiotis, Sinanoglo... Subject(s):
Differential Responses of Antioxidant Enzymes in Salt-Stressed Almond Tree Grown Under Sun and Shade Conditions Journal title: Journal of Plant Science and Research Authors: Ahlem ZRIG Subject(s):
Yield and level of phenolic compounds in the inflorescence of yellow everlasting Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench collected from natural sites Journal title: Herba Polonica Authors: Anna Forycka, Artur Adamczak, Bogna Opala, Agnieszka Gryszczyńska, Waldemar Buchwald Subject(s):
PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE HEMAGGLUTINATING ACTIVITY OF SEED EXTRACTS OF THE AMARANTH GENUS. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Leonardo N. R. Dandeu, Rodolfo Repollo, Jorge A. Oyhenart, Maria Rosana Ramirez. Subject(s):
Polyphenols and their Mechanism of Action in Allergic Immune Response Journal title: Global Journal of Allergy Authors: Juríková Tünde, Mlček Jiří, Sochor Jiří, Hegedűsová Alžbeta Subject(s):
Dietary Flavonoids and Colorectal Cancer: Evidence from Epidemiological Studies Journal title: International Archives of Clinical Pharmacology Authors: Subject(s):
Optimization of Water Based-extraction Methods for the Preparation of Bioactive-rich Ginger Extract Using Response Surface Methodology Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: K. D. P. P. Gunathilake, H. P. Vasantha Rupasinghe Subject(s):
Qualitative Characterization of Solvent and Cooked Extracts of Tribulus terrestris L. Fruit Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: Sasikala Sasikumar, Kannan Eagappan, D. Brindha Subject(s):
Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Antioxidants from Tectona grandis Leaves, Using Experimental Design Journal title: European Journal of Medicinal Plants Authors: Emmanuel N. Koffi, Ibrahim Cissé, Amian B. B. Kassi, Paul R. Lozano, Augustin A. Adima, Yves-Alain B... Subject(s):
Inductions of Defense Response in Olive Plants against Verticillium dahliae through Application of Salicylic Acid as Abiotic Inducer Journal title: Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology Authors: Yaakoub Gharbi, Emna Bouazizi, Mohamed Ali Triki Subject(s):