Characteristics of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01 Intercellular Signaling Pathway (Quorum Sensing) Functioning in Presence of Porphyrins Bismuth Complexes Journal title: Polish Journal of Microbiology Authors: Mycola B. Galkin, Volodimir O. Ivanitsia, Yuriy V. Ishkov, Boris M. Galkin, Tetiana O. Filipova Subject(s):
Determination of Nitrite in Meat Products using a Metalloporphyrin Based Nitrite-Selective Membrane Electrode Journal title: Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies Authors: Dana VLASCICI, Elena PICA, Eugenia COSMA, Otilia BIZEREA Subject(s):
Porphyrin chemosensor. Interaction of 2H-porphyrins with selected electron acceptors Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: G. Dyrda, R. SÅ‚ota Subject(s):
An Extremely Rare Case of Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria Diagnosed In Adulthood with Unusual Life Threatening Complications Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Sandhya Chauhan Subject(s):
Methods for the synthesis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical benzoporphyrins (A review) Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Sweta Mishra, Shive Murat Singh Chauhan Subject(s):
STRUCTURE AFFINITY RELATIONSHIP AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BENZOPORPHYRINS AS POTENT INHIBITORS OF YAP ONCOPROTEIN THROUGH IN SILICO EXPERIMENTS Journal title: International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Authors: M. Vijey Aanandhi, P. Samuel Gideon George Subject(s):