Evaluation of Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) Training imparted to Medical Officers of Vadodara District located in Gujarat Journal title: Healthline Authors: Shobha Misra, Chintan Dashratha, R Baxi, Vihang Mazumdar, Parag Chavda Subject(s):
Effectiveness of a structured clinical program in paediatric undergraduate training Journal title: Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research Authors: Smitha D’sa, Kamalakshi G Bhat, Deepak J V, B.S Baliga, Nitin Joseph Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics
Comparison of the learning of two notations: A pilot study Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medical Education and Professionalism Authors: ASHFAQ AKRAM, MAHER D FUADFUAD, ARSHAD MAHMOOD MALIK, BALSAM MAHDI NASIRALZURFI, MANAH CHANDRA CHANG... Subject(s):
Evaluation of lectures by pre & post-test MCQS Journal title: Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences Authors: Janaki Mandla, Hasham Shaik, Deepthi Pidigundla, Vijaya Katepogu Subject(s):
Impact of E-learning as a supplementary teaching learning tool in physiology Journal title: Medpulse International Journal of Physiology Authors: Vijayadas 1, Venkatesh D, Arun Kumar M Subject(s):
Evaluating the effectiveness of pre- and post-test model of learning in a medical school Journal title: National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Padmanabha Thiruganahalli Shivaraju, Gangadhar Manu, Vinaya M, Madhav K Savkar Subject(s):
Early Patient Contact: Exploring the horizons in Physiology Journal title: International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Authors: Arunita Tushar Jagzape, Avinash Taksande, Swati Kulsange, Tushar Jagzape Subject(s):
A comparative analysis to determine the knowledge and practice of laboratory safety measures among technical staff of the laboratories in Medical College and Hospital Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH Authors: Manjusha Hivre, Veena Hatolkar and Deepali Vaishnav Subject(s):
Case Based Learning in Undergraduate Pathology – A Study to Assess its Efficacy and Acceptability as Teaching-Learning Tool Journal title: International Archives of Integrated Medicine Authors: Abhijit Datta, Jayanta Ray Subject(s):
“Evaluate the Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Intradialytic Stretching Exercises among Hem dialysis Patients in Selected Hospitals Udaipur, Rajasthan” Journal title: IOSR Journal of Nursing and health Science Authors: Mr. Shankar Singh, Mr. Aakash Chavda, Mr. Sandeepkumar N Subject(s):
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Cross-sectional Research among Faculties and Postgraduate Students at MTIN, Changa Journal title: Journal of Nursing Today Authors: Jamin Chauhan Subject(s):
Effectiveness of a Teacher Training Workshop: An Interventional Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: ANURADHA MOKKAPATI, PRASHANTH MADA Subject(s):
Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure in First M.B.B.S Students Journal title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Authors: Dr. V. Vimala, Dr. Manimegalai, Dr. P.A Kumar Subject(s):
A study of effect of special lecture on awareness related to organ donation among second year undergraduate medical students of a Medical College in a Metropolitan City, Maharashtra. Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES Authors: Dr. Mavatkar M.V1*, Dr. Vijaykumar Singh2 , Dr. Sujata Pol3 Dr. Seema Bansode Gokhe4 Subject(s):
Effect of Jigsaw Co-Operative Learning Method in Improving Cognitive Skills among Medical Students Journal title: International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS) Authors: C.S. Vinod Kumar, Suneeta Kalasuramath, Satish Patil, K.G. Raghu Kumar, K.R. Shama Taj, V.L. Jayasim... Subject(s):