Legal Approaches Against Terrorist Attacks – Fundamental Facets of an Effective Criminal Justice Response Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Zuzanna Buszman Subject(s):
Reforma czy rewolucja? Nowy kształt środków zabezpieczających Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Piotr Kładoczny Subject(s):
The specificity and scope of European Union finance law Journal title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu Authors: Marcin Tyniewicki Subject(s):
Limitations of the right to free movement in the enforcement procedure (II) Journal title: Revista Institutului Național al Justiției Authors: Dumitru Visternicean, Gheorghe Reniță Subject(s):
Criminal proceedings involving children in conflict with the law Journal title: Revista Institutului Național al Justiției Authors: Augustina Bolocan-Holban Subject(s):
Analisa Performansi Algoritma Penjadwalan Proportional Fairness Dan Log Rule Dengan Skenario Multicell Pada Sistem 3GPP LTE Journal title: Jurnal INFOTEL Authors: Muhammad Dimas Arfianto, Ridha Muldina Negara, Indrarini Dyah Irawati Subject(s):
A Reaserch on the Verses of Litertal Similarity in the Holy Qur'an Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: BīBī Zaynab ḤUsaynī, MuḥAmmad ‘Alī Riḍā’ī KermāNī Subject(s):
Unshared and Shared Frailty Models Journal title: Alphanumeric Journal Authors: Nihal Ata Tutkun, Diren Yeğen Subject(s):
Schleiermacher’s Model and the Interaction of the Textual and Circumstantial Contexts in Hermeneutic Circle Proportionate to the Qur’ān Journal title: رهیافتهایی در علوم قرآن و حدیث Authors: MalīḥA QāYin IbrāHīMāBāDī, MuḥSin ḤUsaynzāDa BāJgīRāN Subject(s):
Miara prawnokarnej ingerencji w konstytucyjne wolności i prawa jednostki w zakresie działalności gospodarczej na przykładzie odpowiedzialności karnej za niezgłoszenie wniosku o upadłość spółki handlowej (art. 586 k.s.h.) Journal title: Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe Authors: Renata Pawlik Subject(s):
Multiaxial Fatigue Strength to Notched specimens made of 40CrMoV13.9 Journal title: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Authors: Filippo Berto, Abedin Gagani, Raffaella Aversa, Relly Victoria V. Petrescu, Antonio Apicella, Floria... Subject(s):
Constitutional guarantee on pension rights Journal title: Revista Institutului Național al Justiției Authors: Dorin Cimil, Rodica Savciuc Subject(s):
Comparison of Different alg orithm f or Speed Control of Brushless D.C Motor Using Matlab Simulink Journal title: International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Authors: Rekha Rana Subject(s):
Early-maturing G. N. Vysotsky plantations as an example of objective stand cultivation Journal title: Лісівництво і агролісомеліорація Authors: V. Orlovsky Subject(s):