Usage Pattern and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Personal Protection Measures against Mosquitoes in Rural Area of District Jhansi Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Rashmi Yadav, A.K.Malhotra, Santosh k. Verma, Preeti Rai , Mrigen Deka, Shubhanshu Gupta, Swati Sing... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Usage Pattern and Socio-Demographic Determinants of Personal Protection Measures against Mosquitoes in Rural Area of District Jhansi of India Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Rashmi Yadav, A.K. Malhotra, Santosh K. Verma, Preeti Rai, Mrigen Deka, Shubhanshu Gupta, Swati Sin... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
PROTECTION OF THREATENED WITNESSES Journal title: Challenges of the Knowledge Society Authors: Nadia Claudia CANTEMIR-STOICA Subject(s):
Reforma czy rewolucja? Nowy kształt środków zabezpieczających Journal title: Studia Iuridica Authors: Piotr Kładoczny Subject(s):
Prawnokarna reakcja wobec sprawców przestępstw seksualnych w Polsce po 1 lipca 2015 r. Journal title: Czasopismo Prawa Karnego i Nauk Penalnych Authors: Maciej Bocheński Subject(s):
МЕТА, ЗАВДАННЯ, ПРИНЦИПИ ТА ФУНКЦІЇ ПРЕВЕНТИВНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПОЛІЦЕЙСЬКИХ ВІДДІЛІВ МАСОВИХ ТА ОХОРОННИХ ЗАХОДІВ Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Social Science Authors: Д. Г. Оверченко Subject(s):
Assessment of sharp object injuries in Health Care Workers at a Second-Stage Hospital Journal title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE Authors: Fatma Kesmez Can, Selma SEZEN Subject(s):
A cross-sectional study of pulmonary function tests among the municipal street sweepers of Chitradurga District, Karnataka Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine Authors: Rashmi BM, Basavaraj Sangoll, Sujay Jagadish, Sreeharsha B., Chaitra Dr Subject(s):
Awareness about Mosquito Borne Diseases and Practice about Preventive Methods Against Mosquito Bite in Rural Field Practice Area of a Tertiary Care Teaching Institute, Telangana State Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Dr Vishnu Nandan Koduri Subject(s):
Dengue control-A nightmare. A descriptive study on dengue fever among hospital attendees at Chennai Journal title: National Journal of Research in Community Medicine Authors: Ashrof Raja, Prabakaran J, Uma P, Sai Sabhareesh H, Sivalakshmi R, Praveena M, Surya G, Sachin Aakas... Subject(s):
Climatic Problems of Construction Journal title: Современное промышленное и гражданское строительство Authors: Alexander Trinker Subject(s):
THE DISTRIBUTION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHTNING INJURIES AMONG RESIDENTS IN A RURAL AREA IN SRI LANKA. Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Authors: Kasunee Chamila Kalubowila, Hemantha Herath and Novil Wijesekara. Subject(s):
METHODICAL APPROACH OF THE SOLUTION OF A TASK OF OPTIMIZATION OF PLANS ACTIONS FOR DECREASE IN RISK OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Journal title: Научно-практический журнал "Проблемы анализа риска" Authors: S.S. Korshunov, V.M. Egorov Subject(s):
O zwalczaniu żebractwa i włóczęgostwa w II Rzeczypospolitej (1918–1939). Studium historycznoprawne Journal title: Archiwum Kryminologii Authors: Danuta Janicka Subject(s):
Prohibitive measures in places of deprivation of liberty and the need for their strict regulation Journal title: Право та державне управління Authors: В. І. Халавка Subject(s):