Assessment of sharp object injuries in Health Care Workers at a Second-Stage Hospital
Journal Title: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MEDICINE - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 4
Aim: In this study, the frequency of hospital staff our stab injuries form of injury, after injury, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B and HIV seroprevalence investigate the 'Assessment of prophylactic measures have been implemented in order to purpose.Method: 105 cutter drill injuries that occurred at the State Hospital of Erzurum Palandöken between 2014-2017 were evaluated retrospectively from the forms organized by the Infection Control Committee. Form injury days, one month, three months and six months made HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HCV and anti-HIV results are available.Results: Stab injuries seen by 105 health workers distinction is made between occupational groups; 6 (5.7%) were physicians, 37 (35.2%) were nurses, 18 (17.14%) were health technicians, 8 (7.61%) were cleaning personnel, 34 (32.38%) were trainees and 2 (1.9%) were security officers. It was noted that 27 (25.7%) of the cases were mucosa-associated and 78 (74.2%) were in the form of percutaneous injuries. Of the personnel exposed to injury, 95 (90.4%) were vaccinated against Hepatitis B virus and 10 (9.5%) were taken to hepatitis B vaccination program. Staff in any of the 6-month follow-HBsAg, anti-HBs, Anti-HCV and anti-HIV positivity was developed.Conclusions: Was observed in our study that education and low injury rates in professions that follow a regular group, reporting rates are high, occupational nurses with a majority of beginners and yet educational ongoing trainees in the injury rate is high, the notification rate is low. Regular health screening of hospital personnel, completion of incomplete vaccinations, medical waste management by the Infection Control Committee, use of protective equipment, regular training of the way to be applied in case of hand hygiene breaker-drill injury will reduce injuries and increase post-injury reports.
Authors and Affiliations
Fatma Kesmez Can, Selma SEZEN
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