An Improved Personal Security System Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Sujata Punait, A.R Askhedkar Subject(s):
An IOT based Dynamic Garbage Level Monitoring System using Raspberry-pi Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Harshita A. Gawad, Suraj Kadam, Dona Jain, Nirav Patel Subject(s):
Design And Implementation Of Raspberry Pi 3 Based Embedded System For Analysis Of Soil Parameters Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: U. Meenakshi, Dr.M.V. Lakshmaiah, B. Bilvika Subject(s):
Based on machine learningAutonomous car using raspberry-pi. Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: K.N.V. Satyanarayana, B. Tapasvi, P.Kanaka Raju, G.Ramesh Babu Subject(s):
A Review on Smart Trolley and Billing System Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Prof. Mukesh P. Mahajan, Gaikwad Jyoti Prakash, Gaikwad Ujjwala Prakash Subject(s):
A Novel Smart highway automated toll collection system using Raspberry PI& OpenCV Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: B.Hema Kumar, S. Ramanathan Subject(s):
Fault Detection and Efficiency Analysis of Bottle Filling Plant Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Rohit Harsulkar, Pratik Mahajan, Prof. H. P. Chaudhari Subject(s):
Smart Pillow - The Future of Sleep &Talk Technology Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Shubham Pravin Patil Subject(s):
ABOUT MOBILE SYSTEM ORGANIZATION OF SITUATION MONITORING BASED ON WHEELED ROBOTS Journal title: Наукові праці. Серія "Комп’ютерні технології" Authors: V. А. Dodonov Subject(s):
A Review Paper Design and Development of a Smart Mirror Using Raspberry Pi Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Jagdish A., Pateljayshri T., Sadgir Sonal, D. Sangaleharshada, A. Dokhale Subject(s):
Cash less Toll System Using Rppide Journal title: International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention Authors: Dr. Dola Sanjay .S, Ch. Lakshmi, G. Jayachandra, G. Divya Rupini, K. Ratna kumar, V Kalpana Subject(s):
Implementation of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Algorithm using Raspberry Pi Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Ammar Ahmed Khan, Aamir Zeb Shaikh, Shabbar Naqvi, Talat Altaf Subject(s):
Quinolone induced supraspinatus tendinopathy Journal title: Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences Authors: Dr. KrishnanunniGopi krishnan, Dr. Alphonse Mariadoss, Dr. Senthil Nathan Sambandam, Dr. Annamalai S... Subject(s):
МОРФОЛОГО-АНАТОМИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ ЛИСТЬЕВ МАЛИНЫ ОБЫКНОВЕННОЙ (RUBUS IDAEUS) Journal title: Science Review Authors: К. Кинцурашвили, Т. З. Копалиани Subject(s):
СҮТ ҚЫШҚЫЛДЫ ӨНІМДЕРДІ ЖЕМІС КОМПОЗИЦИЯСЫМЕН БАЙЫТУ ЖОЛДАРЫ Journal title: World Science Authors: Б. М. Хамитова, Ш. Б. Тасыбаева, Г. Е. Уәли, А. Бигараева Subject(s):