Development of Instruments of State Support for ESG Projects in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Tatyana A. Golovina, Vladislav V. Matveev, Irina L. Avdeeva Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science
Composition of Arctic Territories for State Support: Which Way to Choose? Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Aleksandr N. Pilyasov Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science
Quality of Life of the Murmansk Oblast Population: Subjective Assessments and Objective Characteristics Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Vera P. Samarina, Tatiana P. Skufina, Natalia A. Serova, Andrey A. Yakovchuk Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science
Tracking the Trail of Regional Financial Performance: Economic Growth as a Bridge towards Poverty Reduction Journal title: Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies Authors: Sari Rusmita , Haryono , Windhu Putra Subject(s): Economics, Banks and Banking, Marketing, Accounting, Management, Business, Finance
TÜRKİYƏNİN CƏNUBİ QAFQAZLA BAĞLI ÜMUMİ SİYASƏTİNƏ BAXIŞ Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Enes Yıldırım Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
CASPIAN REGION IN US FOREIGN POLICY Journal title: Ancient Land Authors: Farah Rajabova (Ibrahimova) Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
Surgical Treatment Tumors Giant Size of the Submandibular Area Journal title: International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques Authors: Khasanov AI* Subject(s): Surgery
MÜSTƏQİLLİK DÖNƏMİNDƏN SONRA REGİONAL İQTİSADİYYATIN XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Elmar İsgəndərov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF SECURITY DYNAMICS IN THE SOUTH CAUCASUS Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Tural Dadashov Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science
ƏMƏKDAŞLIĞIN GÜCLƏNDİRİLMƏSİNDƏ AZƏRBAYCANIN ROLU: YAŞIL ENERJİ VƏ LOGİSTİKA CƏNUBİ QAFQAZIN İQTİSADİ İNTEQRASİYASININ KATALİZATORLARI KİMİ Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Asif Abdullayev, Elçin Əlibəyli Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
IMAGE ENCRYPTION USING HILBERT SPACE FILLING CURVE AND HENON MAP Journal title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology Authors: Kavya. K. S, Mrs.Prabavathi Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Engineering, Multidisciplinary, Engineering, Civil, Computer Science, Cybernetics, Computer Science, Theory & Methods, Computer Science, Software Engineering
TERMAL VƏ MİNERAL SULARDAN TƏSƏRRÜFATDA İSTİFADƏNİN MÜASİR PROBLEMLƏRİ Journal title: Scientific Research Authors: Nərmin Orucova Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Multidisciplinary
Assessing the Performance and Flower Quality of Dendrobium Varieties Grown Under Shade-net in Konkan Region Journal title: International Journal of Life Science and Agriculture Research Authors: Narute, T. T., Salvi. B. R., Pawar, C. D., Salvi, V. G., Khandekar, R. G. Subject(s): Agriculture, Multidisciplinary
Urban Rail Transit Regional Collaborative Management Mode Based on Shanghai Resilient City Construction Journal title: Urban Mass Transit Authors: Yushu LI Subject(s): Transportation Science & Technology
BEYNƏLXALQ SİYASİ MÜNASİBƏTLƏRİN DÜNYADA ROLU Journal title: Scientific Work Authors: Ceyran Quliyeva Subject(s): Arts and Literature, Astronomy/Astrophysics/Space Science, Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Humanities, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Literature, Agricultural Science