The Role of the Meaning of Life and Religious Experience of God’s Presence and God's Absence Amongst Students with Different Levels of Conscience Sensitivity Journal title: Religions Authors: Stanisław Głaz Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Characteristics of Extraordinary Religious Phenomena Accompanying the Christian Religious Experience—Reflection Journal title: Religions Authors: Stanisław Głaz Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Instrumental Values as Predictors of Religious Experience in the Lives of Students of Pedagogy and of Philosophy Journal title: Religions Authors: Stanisław Głaz Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Importance of the Experience of God’s Absence, and of Meaning in Life, in the Development of Sensitivity of Conscience among Polish University Students Journal title: Religions Authors: Stanisław Głaz Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Christian Conversion, the Double Consciousness, and Transcendentalist Religious Rhetoric Journal title: Religions Authors: Alan Hodder Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Sovereignty of the Living Individual: Emerson and James on Politics and Religion Journal title: Religions Authors: Stephen S. Bush Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Incompatibility of the Vision of God as a Basis of Factual Belief from Philosophical Perspective Journal title: International Journal of Islamic Thought Authors: Indriaty Ismail Subject(s):
Religious Experience Argument from the Viewpoint of Swinburne Journal title: جستارهایی در فلسفه و کلام Authors: Mohamad Javad Asghari, Sayyid MaḥMūD MūSawī Subject(s):
NAUCZANIE DUSZPASTERSKO-WYCHOWAWCZE W BIOGRAFII PEDAGOGICZNEJ ORAZ KAZANIACH KSIĘDZA JULIANA MICHALCA (XX WIEK) Journal title: Scientific Bulletin of Chełm – Section of Pedagogy Authors: Ryszard Małachowski Subject(s):
FASTING AND THE BEATIFIC VISION- A Philosophical Appraisal of Fasting in Religious Experience Journal title: Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Authors: Christopher Ikechukwu Asogwa Subject(s):
Paul Tillich jako myśliciel (post)sekularny. Propozycja filozoficznej analizy religijnego wymiaru doświadczenia Journal title: Studia Oecumenica Authors: Marcin Napadło Subject(s):
INTERFAITH DIALOGUE FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF SYRIAN MIGRANTS IN THE ALEXANDRIA REFUGEE CAMP IN GREECE Journal title: Acta Missiologica Authors: Ladislav Bučko, Maria Hardy, Milica Páleníková, Jaroslava Poloňová, Martin Fero, Mária Jackulíková Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology
INTERFAITH DIALOGUE FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF SYRIAN MIGRANTS IN THE ALEXANDRIA REFUGEE CAMP IN GREECE Journal title: Acta Missiologica Authors: Ladislav Bučko, Maria Hardy, Milica Páleníková, Jaroslava Poloňová, Martin Fero, Mária Jackulíková Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences, Sociology
RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE OF PERSONALITY Journal title: Psychological journal Authors: Andrii Maslyuk, Iryna Yevchenko Subject(s):
SELF-CONCEPT PERCULIARITIES OF MEMBERS OF THE INFORMAL RELIGIOUS ORGANISATIONS Journal title: Наука і освіта Authors: Kseniya Havrylovska, Оlexandra Furman Subject(s):