Male Dominance and Female Resistance in Naguib MahfOuz’s selected NOvels: a case Study Journal title: International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) Authors: Ali Saleh Ali Al-Hossini, Dr. Namratha M Subject(s): Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Geochemistry, Geophysics
Agrupamiento de K-medias para estimación de insulino-resistencia en adultos mayores de Cuenca Journal title: MASKANA Authors: Christian Vintimilla, Fabián Astudillo-Salinas, Erika Severeyn, Lorena Encalada, Sara Wong Subject(s): Engineering, Humanities, Social Sciences, Science
Seismic Resistance of Storage Tanks Containing Liquid in Accordance with Principles of Eurocode 8 Standard Journal title: Strojnicky casopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Authors: Martin Sivý and Miloš Musil Subject(s): Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Characteristics and Wear Resistance of the Cladding Layers Obtained by Melting of Cored Wires with Simultaneous Vibration of Substrate Journal title: Strojnicky casopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Authors: Mykhailo Student, Andriy Vojtovych, Hanna Pokhmurska, Olena Maruschak, Oleksandra Student and Pavlo... Subject(s): Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Dermatologic Findings In Adult Obese Patients Journal title: Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Authors: Kamile Demirci, Nilgün Bilen, Aysun Şikar Aktürk, Evren Odyakmaz Demirsoy, Zeynep Cantürk, Çiğdem Ça... Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Gynecology
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF PPFRC AND SFRC Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology Authors: R. THIYAGARAJAN, K. C. PAZHANI Subject(s): Engineering
OPTIMIZING DAYLIGHT IN AN OFFICE BUILDING FOR MODERATE CLIMATE OF PUNE Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology Authors: Ar. DHANASHREE GUGALE Subject(s): Engineering
WOMEN AGAINST CEMENT: ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM IN THE KENDENG MOUNTAIN RANGE OF CENTRAL JAVA INDONESIA Journal title: International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Authors: NAWIYANTO and EKO CRYS ENDRAYADI Subject(s): Engineering, Civil Engineering
СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ОБЗОР МЕТОДОВ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА В СЕЙСМООПАСНЫХ РАЙОНАХ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Пуценко К.Н. , Никишина О.В. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ БАЛОК С ГОФРОСТЕНКОЙ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИИ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Дмитриева Т.Л. , Уламбаяр Х. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ОЦЕНКА НЕСУЩЕЙ СПОСОБНОСТИ И ТРЕЩИНОСТОЙКОСТИ ОПОРНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ТРАНСПОРТНЫХ ЭСТАКАД НЕФТЕ- И ГАЗОПРОВОДОВ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Григорьева Ю.Б. Г , Кильдибаев Р.С. , Недосеко И.В. , Шакирова Э.В. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ КОМПОЗИЦИОННЫХ НАГРЕВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ В РАЗЛИЧНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ ЖИЗНЕОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Шелехов И.Ю. , Майзель Д.И. , Афанасьева А.С. , Тимофеева Е.Е. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ЭФФЕКТИВНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ НАГРЕВАТЕЛЬНОГО ЭЛЕМЕНТА ДЛЯ ИНФРАКРАСНОГО ОБОГРЕВА Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Шелехов И.Ю. , Шишелова Т.И. , Иноземцев В.П. , Пожидаев В.В. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
К ВОПРОСУ РАСЧЕТА СВАЙ, ПОГРУЖЕННЫХ В ЛИДИРУЮЩИЕ СКВАЖИНЫ И БУРОНАБИВНЫХ Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Калачук Т.Г. , Оноприенко Н.Н. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture
ТЕПЛОУСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ НАРУЖНЫХ ОГРАЖДЕНИЙ И ТЕПЛОВОЙ РЕЖИМ ПОМЕЩЕНИЙ В ПЕРИОДЫ СРЕЗОК ТЕМПЕРАТУРНОГО ГРАФИКА Journal title: Izvestiya vuzov. Investitsii. Stroitelstvo. Nedvizhimost (Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate) Authors: Рафальская Т.А. , Мансуров Р.Ш. , Рагинская А.О. , Расенко Д.А. Subject(s): Engineering, Architecture