Comparative Evaluation of Forces Generated by Two Different Rotary Endodontic File: A Finite Element Study Journal title: Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences Authors: Subject(s):
Clinical Evaluation of Quality of Obturation and Instrumentation Time using Two Modified Rotary File Systems with Manual Instrumentation in Primary Teeth Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Lavanya Govindaraju, Ganesh Jeevanandan, EMG Subramanian Subject(s):
A finite element study to compare the forces generated by a newly designed NITI file with an established rotary file Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Ajay Saxena, Manoj Chandak Subject(s):
Apical Extrusion of Debris in Mesiobuccal Root of Maxillary Molars with Five Rotary File Systems Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Gali Praveen Kumar, DivYa Sri Godavarthy, Manasa Yarlagadda, Nataraj Beesetty, Nidesh Killi Subject(s):
Comparative Analysis of Efficacy of Mtwo NiTi Rotary Files and Hand K-files Journal title: Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research Authors: Vanita Gautam, Hemant Kumar Halwai Subject(s):
Frequency of Post-Instrumentation Symptoms Using Hand Files Versus Rotary Protapers Journal title: Dentistry – Open Journal Authors: Asaad Javaid Mirza Subject(s):
Comparative Evaluation of Cleaning Efficacy of Prime PedoTM and DXL-ProTM Pedo Rotary Files with Conventional H Files in Root Canals of Primary Teeth: An In Vitro Study Journal title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research Authors: Farhin Katge, Sanjana Ghadge, Manohar Poojari, Khushboo Jain, Devendra Patil Subject(s):
ACCURACY OF THE INITIAL DIAMETER OF FINISHING FILES AND GUTTA-PERCHA CONES OF THE PROTAPER UNIVERSAL® SYSTEM Journal title: Revista Científica do CRO-RJ / Rio de Janeiro Dental Journal Authors: Manoela Teixeira de Sant’Anna Dadalti, Fabíola Ormiga, Marcos César Pimenta de Araujo, Patricia de A... Subject(s):