Morpho-functional analysis of the floreşti commune (cluj county) and local vulnerability assessment of the geomorphic processes of risk. Journal title: Geographia Napocensis Authors: GLIGOR VIOREL, BILAŞCO ŞTEFAN, FONOGEA SILVIU-FLORIN Subject(s):
Glimee-type in the down basin of the Ilişua Valley Journal title: Geographia Napocensis Authors: HOGNOGI GHEORGHE, NICULA GABRIEL, ŞIMON ADRIAN Subject(s):
Erdrutschungen in Armenien Journal title: Revue Roumaine de Géographie/Romanian Journal of Geography Authors: VLADIMIR BOYNAGRYAN Subject(s):
Analiza wpływu nawalnych opadów na powstawanie płytkich osuwisk w dolinach potoków Jaszcze i Jamne (Polskie Karpaty) – wstępne wyniki badań Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: TYMOTEUSZ Zydroń, Andrzej Gruchot, Anna Bucała, Piotr Demczuk Subject(s):
THE RELEVANCE OF PLUVIAL REGIME FOR LANDSLIDES GENESIS AND EVOLUTION. CASE-STUDY: MUSCEL BASIN (BUZĂU SUBCARPATHIANS), ROMANIA Journal title: Present Environment and Sustainable Development Authors: Carmen Dragotă, Mihai Micu, Dana Micu Subject(s):
Statistische Modellierung der Erdrutschungsgefahr auf der nationaler Ebene: das Beispiel von Slowenien Journal title: Revue Roumaine de Géographie/Romanian Journal of Geography Authors: BLAŽ KOMAC, MATIJA ZORN Subject(s):
Baseline Titre of Widal amongst Healthy Blood Donors in Raichur, Karnataka Journal title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University Authors: Abdul Kaleem Bahadur , B. V. Peerapur Subject(s): Medicine, Research & Experimental
Geomorphological conditioning of rural and urban development in Satu Mare County Journal title: Geographia Napocensis Authors: SORIN FILIP, LIVIU NICOARĂ Subject(s):
VARIATION OF ECOOMIC INDICATOR INDEXES OF THE PNEUMATIC ENGINE ACCORDING TO SPEED PERFORMANCE Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: A. Voronkov Subject(s):
CHANGE OF EFFECTIVE ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF THE WORK OF PISTON AIR MOTOR BY SPEED RECOMMENDATION Journal title: Вестник Харьковского национального автомобильно-дорожного университета Authors: A. Voronkov Subject(s):
Analysis of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in Jamne and Jaszcze stream valleys (Polish Carpathians) – preliminary results Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: TYMOTEUSZ Zydroń, Andrzej Gruchot, Anna Bucała, Piotr Demczuk Subject(s):
Mechanical problems in slope stability analysis for<br /> the water-level-fluctuation zone of Three Gorges Reservoir<br /> Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Jiang XU, Shuchun LI, Hongwei YANG, Jingneng WANG Subject(s):
The assessment of the morphological regional system Braşov-Prahova Valley functionality Journal title: Geographia Napocensis Authors: VIOREL GLIGOR, SILVIU-FLORIN FONOGEA Subject(s):
Wireless sensor network system for inclination measurement using spirit level Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: G. Anne Nisha , Nalin Warnajith , Hiroshi Tsuchida , Atsushi Minato Subject(s):
A REVIEW OF TECHNIQUES OF LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING USING GIS Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Sandeep Panchal, Sanjay Sangwan, Mohd. Usman Subject(s):