Mathematics for language, language for mathematics

Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Authors: Lenka Tejkalova Prochazkova| Department of Mathematics and Didactics of Mathematics, Charles Univers...

Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics

An example of using history of mathematics in classes

Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Authors: Sevda Goktepe| Department of Elementary Mathematics Education, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul...

Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics

Minimal interventions in the teaching of mathematics

Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Authors: Colin Foster| School of Education, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK For correspondence: coli...

Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics

A workshop for high school students on naive set theory

Journal title: European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Authors: Sven-Ake Wegner| Bergische Universität Wuppertal, FB C - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Gaußstr...

Subject(s): Mathematical Modelling and Industrial Mathematics

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