Multipl Sklerozda Kısa Süreli Yüksek Doz Puls Kortikoterapinin Kemik Mineral Yoğunluğu Üzerine Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish Authors: Pinar CE, Kemal TURHAN, Muhtesem GEDIZLIOGLU, Rezzan GUNAYDIN, Turgut ONMAN, Taciser KAYA Subject(s):
Interactions between immune system and bone cells: Clinical implications Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: E. TERPOS, D. CHRISTOULAS, J. MELETIS Subject(s):
Application of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide in MRI diagnosis of central nervous system:recent progress Journal title: Di-er Junyi Daxue Xuebao Authors: Xiao-long MA Subject(s):
Optimization of Profiled Diffuser Barrier Using the New Multiimpedance<br /> Discontinuities Model Journal title: International Journal of Environmental Research Authors: M. R. Monazzam Subject(s):
Daugiatikslio gyvenamųjų namų vidinės aplinkos vertinimo prieš ir po renovacijos būdas Journal title: Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management Authors: Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Arturas Kaklauskas, Zenonas Turskis, Darius Kalibatas Subject(s):
Žmogiškojo faktoriaus tyrimas sprendžiant daugiakriterinius optimizavimo uždavinius kompiuterių tinkle Journal title: Technological and Economic Development of Economy Authors: Tomas Petkus, Ernestas Filatovas, Olga Kurasova Subject(s):
The Analysis of the Quality of the Results Obtained with the Methods of Multi-Criteria Decisions Journal title: Technological and Economic Development of Economy Authors: Friedel Peldschus Subject(s):
Trudności w opiece paliatywnej u chorych z rozpoznanym szpiczakiem mnogim Journal title: Palliative Medicine in Practice Authors: Michał Graczyk, Anna Pyszora, Małgorzata Krajnik Subject(s):
A Rare Presentation of Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome Journal title: Oman Medical Journal Authors: Panduranga Prashanth, Mohammed Mukhaini, Abdulla Riyami Subject(s):
Rolamaitinių peristaltinių siurblių dinamikos tyrimai Journal title: Profesinės Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika Authors: Virginijus Jakubonis, Eugenija Šilkienė, Janina Melienė Subject(s):
Short review on dopamine agonists: insight into clinical and research studies relevant to Parkinson's disease. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Khaled Radad, Gabriele Gille, Wolf-Dieter Rausch Subject(s):
Interactions between neuroleptics and CYP2C6 in rat liver - in vitro and ex vivo study. Journal title: Pharmacological Reports Authors: Anna Haduch, Tomasz Ogórka, Jan Boksa, Władysława Daniel Subject(s):
Single hidden layer artificial neural network models versus multiple linear regression model in forecasting the time series of total ozone Journal title: International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Authors: G. Bandyopadhyay, S. Chattopadhyay Subject(s):
Anaplastic Myeloma Journal title: Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής Authors: J. MELETIS, A. SARANTOPOULOS, S. MASOURIDI, T. CHATZILEONIDA, C. BOMBORIS, Y. DALAMAGAS, P. DIAMANTO... Subject(s):
Neoplasms of other organs associating gastric and colorectal cancer in own observation Journal title: Gastroenterologia Polska Authors: Jarosława Semianów-Wejchert, Agata Arlukiewicz, Agnieszka Lewandowska, Paweł Petryszyn, Abdulhabib A... Subject(s):