Histological Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Granules with and without Platelet-Rich Plasma versus an Autologous Bone Graft Comparative study of biomaterials used for spinal fusion in a New Zealand white rabbit model Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Zamzuri Zakaria| Departments of Orthopaedics, Traumatology & Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, In... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Comparative studies of Volatile Components of the essential Oil of leaves and flowers of Catharanthus roseus growing in Bangladesh by GC-MS analysis Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: Shahin Aziz| Chemical Research Division, BCSIR, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Koushik Saha| Department of Chemi... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Basic Life Support Among Health Students at a Saudi Women’s University Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Maha A. Al-Mohaissen| Department of Clinical Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University,... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Validation of a Persian Short-Form Version of a Standardised Questionnaire Assessing Oral Cancer Knowledge, Practice and Attitudes Among Dentists Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Nader Navabi| Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Kerman University of Medical Science... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Delayed Treatment Response in a Neonate with Multisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Case report and review of literature Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Amitabh Singh| Departments of Pediatrics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalya, New Delhi, India, Anirban Ma... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Epidemiology of Chronic Hepatitis C Infections at a Tertiary Care Centre in Oman Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Said A. Al-Busaf| Department of Medicine, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos Unive... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
Calvarial Tuberculosis in a Preschool-Aged Child An uncommon entity Journal title: Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal Authors: Avradip Santra| Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Kolkata Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, West... Subject(s): Medicine, Biochemistry, Biomedicine
IMPACT DES FLUCTUATIONS CLIMATIQUES SUR LA QUANTITE ET LA QUALITE DES EAUX SOUTERRAINES D’UNE REGION SEMI-ARIDE : CAS DE LA PLAINE DE GHRISS (NORD-OUEST ALGERIEN) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: OUIS S.| Département de l’hydraulique, Université de Mascara, Bp 305 Route de Mamounia 29000 MASCARA... Subject(s): Hydrology
COMPETITIVENESS RICE FARMING IN SRAGEN REGENCY Journal title: Agro Ekonomi Authors: Cecep Suhardedi| Universitas Sarjanawiyata Taman Siswa , Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto| Faculty of Agricul... Subject(s): Finance and Financial Services, Agricultural Economics, International Economics
Establishment of Authorship and Identity of the Work of Art Through the Study of the Production of an Artist Using a Quantitative-Qualitative Method Journal title: Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science Authors: Amalia Gragera Alonso| Escuela de Artes y Oficios “Adelardo Covarsí”; Grupo de Investigación EFIDEX.... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences
Análise das Matrizes Curriculares dos Cursos de Arquitetura e Engenharia Civil na Cidade do Recife Voltadas à Construção Sustentável Journal title: Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science Authors: Elisabeth Maria Ferreira Severo| Mestre em Engenharia Civil pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences
Método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e Usabilidade dos Softwares Qualiquantisoft e DSCsoft na Pesquisa Qualiquantitativa em Saúde Journal title: Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science Authors: Karine Wlasenko Nicolau| Mestre em Política Social pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - UFMT.... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences
Study of Cardiac markers in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: Prashant Kumar Shah| Department of Biochemistry, Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital, Biratnagar... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
Projeto Conhecer Montanha: uma experiência de integração de abordagens quali e quanti para mapeamento sociocomunitário e geoespacial Journal title: Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science Authors: Angélica Nogueira de Souza Tedesco| Mestre em Engenharia Ambiental pela Universidade Federal do Espí... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences
Tricuspid Valve Infective Endocarditis In Drug Abusers : Clinical Features and Results of Surgical Treatment Journal title: Nepalese Heart Journal Authors: Medvedev A.P.| Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy; Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Center, Nizhny No... Subject(s): Health and Wellness