TRENTE ANNEES DE PROSPECTION ET DE MOBILISATION DES RESSOURCES EN EAU SOUTERRAINE, PAR FORAGES, DANS LA WILAYA DE TLEMCEN Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: BENSAOULA F.| Département d'hydraulique, Faculté de Technologie, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemc... Subject(s): Hydrology
CONTRIBUTION DE L’HYDRAULIQUE MEDIEVALE DANS LA DYNAMIQUE URBAINE DU MAGHREB. CAS DE LA MEDINA DE TLEMCEN EN ALGERIE Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: BENSLIMANE M.| Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Systèmes Biologiques et la Géomatique Université de... Subject(s): Hydrology
CONTRIBUTION TO THE CARTOGRAPHY OF THE GROUNDWATER QUALITY OF THE URBAN GROUP OF TLEMCEN (ALGERIA) Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: ABDELBAKI C.| Department of Hydraulics, Faculty of Technology - University of Tlemcen – Algeria, Lab... Subject(s): Hydrology
ETUDE NUMERIQUE COMPARATIVE DES DISPOSITIFS DEPRIMOGENES DES RESERVOIRS ANTI-BELIER Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: AMARA L.| Laboratoire de Recherche en Hydraulique Souterraine et de Surface - LARHYSS, Université de... Subject(s): Hydrology
CARACTERISATION ET CLASSIFICATION EMPIRIQUE, GRAPHIQUE ET STATISTIQUE MULTIVARIABLE D’EAUX DE SOURCE EMBOUTEILLEES DE L’ALGERIE Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: SEKIOU F.| Département d’Hydraulique, Université d’Oum EL Bouaghi, KELLIL A.| Faculté des Sciences e... Subject(s): Hydrology
DOMESTIC WATER CONSUMPTION IN ALGERIA – CASE STUDY TLEMCEN Journal title: Larhyss Journal Authors: HABI M.| Université de Tlemcen, Faculté de Technologie, Département d’Hydraulique, Tlemcen, Algeria,... Subject(s): Hydrology
A rare case of familial hyperekplexia Journal title: Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research Authors: C. Rekha, L. R. Saranya| Assistant professor, Department of pediatrics ACS Medical College, Tamil Na... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Pharmacology
The relationship between deliberate-choice and happiness in Aristotle: A Kahnemanian perspective Journal title: The Journal of Happiness and Well-Being Authors: Tufan Çötok| Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Bölümü. E-mail: Subject(s): Psychology
A Case Study Of: Clint Relationship Management (CRM) Practices In Selected Organized Retail Outlets Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: G Rakesh Naidu| Working as, Assistant professor in the dept. of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
Clint Relationships Through Mobile Crm In Organized Retail Outlets Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: G Rakesh Naidu| Working as, Assistant professor in the dept. of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
Induction Motor Control With Small DC Link Capacitor Inverter Fed By Three Phase Diode Rectifier Journal title: International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology Authors: K S Manimala| M.Tech Student, Department of EEE, KIET, Kakinada, India, D Srinivas Rao| Asst. Profes... Subject(s): Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences, Pharmacy
slugRational management raises the Guzerat cattle welfare and improves the efficiency of vaccination work Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Authors: Marcos Chiquitelli Neto ▪ Cristiane Gonçalves Titto ▪ José Nicolau Próspero Puoli Filho ▪ Ana Luisa... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science
slugGenetic and phenotypic trends of fertility traits for Holstein dairy population in warm and temperate climate Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Authors: Rabie Rahbar ▪ Mehdi Aminafshar ▪ Rohullah Abdullahpour ▪ Mohammad Chamani Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science
slugDeveloping an early warning system for heat stress in cattle Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Authors: Nazan Kuman ▪ Hayati Koknaroglu Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science
slugSeasonal and diurnal differences in the responses of Girolando cows to the thermal environment of Piauí, semiarid coast of Brazil Journal title: Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology Authors: Cicero Pereira Barros Junior ▪ Paulo Henrique Amaral Araújo de Sousa ▪ Amauri Felipe Evangelista ▪... Subject(s): Animal Behavior, Biometry, Zoology and Animal Science