Glocal, Holistic and Performative Education

Journal title: European Journal of Teaching and Education

Authors: Emina Berbic Kolar,Vesna Srnic,

Subject(s): Education, Education Research, Educational Technology, Philosophy of Education

Beyond Comparative Poetics: An Evaluation of The Nucleo-genre Paradigm

Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences

Authors: Ahlam Ahmed Mohamed Othman,

Subject(s): Social Sciences, Social Context of Education, Social Issues, Methodology of Social Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Education, Social studies - Political Science, Social studies - Sociology, Social studies - Public policy

Economic Activity of the Population by Age in the European Union Countries

Journal title: Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences

Authors: Ewa Pośpiech,Adrianna Mastalerz-Kodzis,

Subject(s): Social Sciences, Social Context of Education, Social Issues, Methodology of Social Sciences, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social studies - Education, Social studies - Political Science, Social studies - Sociology, Social studies - Public policy

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