NORTH-SOUTH TRANSPORT CORRIDORS THROUGH THE POLISH SEAPORTS Journal title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego Authors: Stanislaw Szwankowski, Andrzej Tubielewicz Subject(s):
Public Debt and Its Impact on the Polish Economy and Society Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Gavin Rae Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
Economic Order and the Problems of Ruble: Regulatory Aspects Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Elena Chibisova Subject(s):
Porządek gospodarczy i problemy rubla. Aspekty regulacyjne Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Elena Chibisova Subject(s):
Rachunkowość rządowa w fazach przekształcania państwa z reżimu kapitalistycznego na reżim socjalistyczny i odwrotnie: przypadek Polski od lat 50. do połowy lat 90. XX wieku Journal title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości Authors: Wojciech Nowak Subject(s):
The Evolution of Governmental Accounting in the Phases of a State Regime Reshaping from Capitalism to Socialism and from Socialism to Capitalism: the case of Poland in the 1950s – mid-1990s Journal title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości Authors: Wojciech Nowak Subject(s):
[Application of the hydrogen breath test for the evaluation of oro-caecal transit time] Journal title: Wiadomości Lekarskie Authors: Anna Kasicka-Jonderko, Iwona Kotuła, Elzbieta Sojka, Danuta Syrkiewicz-Trepiak, Krzysztof Jonderko Subject(s):
Niwelowanie nierówności w zdrowiu w Polsce w okresie transformacji systemowej. Journal title: Polish Journal of Public Health Authors: Irena Maniecka-Bryła, Marek Bryła Subject(s):
Female Entrepreneurship in Kosova: Does Gender Difference Hypothesis Hold? Journal title: International Journal of Business & Management Science Authors: Durim Hoxha, Besnik Krasniqi Subject(s):
上尿路移行细胞癌预后的多因素分析 Journal title: Di-er Junyi Daxue Xuebao Authors: Ming CHEN, Dan-feng XU , Xin-gang CUI Subject(s):
Capacity Building Lessons from a Decade of Transitional Settlement and Shelter Journal title: International Journal of Strategic Property Management Authors: Esteban Leon, Ilan Kelman, James Kennedy, Joseph Ashmore Subject(s):
THE ADVANTAGES PERCEIVED BY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ENGAGING THEIR STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITY-BASED CHEMISTRY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Journal title: Acta Didactica Napocensia Authors: Jauyah Tuah, Timothy Harrison, Dudley Shallcross Subject(s): Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Education, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Geography
Yeltsin´s Russia. A Case Study of an Ambiguous Regime Journal title: StŁ™edoevropské politické studie Authors: Jan Holzer, Petra Kuchyňková Subject(s):
COMPONENT-BASED HETEROGENEOUS SOFTWARE RCHITECTURE RELIABILITY (COHAR) MODELING Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: S. Ramamoorthy , Dr. S. P. Rajagopalan , S. Sathyalakshmi Subject(s):
Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast matK gene from Zingiberaceae for plant DNA barcoding. Journal title: Bioinformation Authors: Subject(s):