NEW VALIDATED RP-HPLC METHOD FOR THE ESTIMATION OF DARUNAVIR IN BULK AND ITS DOSAGE FORM Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: SK Mastanamma, Vanukuri Sirisha, G Alekhya, K Haritha, V Babu Subject(s):
Elements of space organisation in south Bucovina Journal title: Revue Roumaine de Géographie/Romanian Journal of Geography Authors: DRAGOŞ BAROIU, PAUL RĂZVAN ŞERBAN Subject(s):
The Role of Agentic and Communal Values in the Individuals' Outcomes of Job Related Affective Well Being and Political Deviance Journal title: Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala Authors: BAL TAŞTAN Seçil Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Counselling, Sociology of Education, Sociology, Pedagogy
ROLE OF MICROORGANISM AND MICROFAUNA IN PLANT LITTER DECOMPOSITION Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Raj Singh Subject(s):
双缺位杂多化合物催化环己烯环氧化研究 Journal title: Science Paper Online Authors: Yuxiao WANG, Yaquan WANG, Wenju WANG Subject(s):
Que hay en el horizonte sobre el virus del papiloma humano, vacunas y el control del cáncer<br /> cervical.96 Journal title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Authors: Patricia García Subject(s):
Effect of an hydro-alcoholic extract of Uncaria tomentosa (cat´s claw) over dendritic cell subsets and HLA-DR/CD86 molecules by lipopolysacarides stimulus Journal title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Authors: Iván Lozada-Requena, César Núñez, Yubell Álvarez, José Aguilar Subject(s):
The influence of structural changes and ichtyofauna abundance on the ecological state of the Crisuri Hydrographic Are Journal title: Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Istvan Gergely, Julieta-Emilia Romocea, Corina Sion (Badalan) Subject(s):
ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY OF MUCUNA PRURIENS IN SWISS ALBINO MICE Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Sushant Parekar , Arju Somkuwar Subject(s):
A REVIEW OF CONTRACEPTIVE DRUGS DESCRIBED IN UNANI LITERATURE Journal title: Journal of Biological and Scientific Opinion Authors: Itrat Malik , M. Jamal, Zarnigar , M.A. Siddiqui Subject(s):
Teachers Quality as a Correlate of Internal Efficiency of Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria Journal title: Academic Research International Authors: Shehu Safiya, Oluwadare Adegbemile Subject(s):
SUCH EDUCATION AND TEACHING IN CONFORMITY WITH THEIR OWN CONVICTIONS IN ECHR CASE LAW Journal title: Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego Authors: Jacek Falski Subject(s): Law, Religion, Human Rights
Prevalence of Giardia Cysts in Household Dog Faeces within Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria and its Public Health Significance Journal title: Journal of Veterinary Advances Authors: B. A. Abubakar , B. V. Maikai , I. Ajogi , G. R. Otolorin Subject(s):
THE ACQUIS COMMUNAUTAIRE WITHIN TTIP - THE CASE OF ROMANIA Journal title: CES Working Papers Authors: Ioana GUTU Subject(s):
Laküner Serebral Enfarktlı Hastalarda Risk Faktörleri, Mevsimsel Ve Diürnal Varyasyon Journal title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish Authors: Murat ALEMDAR, Pervin ISERİ, Senol KAMACI, Husnu EFENDI, Faik BUDAK, Sezer KOMSUOGLU Subject(s):