A REFRIGERATION SYSTEM FOR AN AUTOMOBILE BASED ON VAPOR ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION CYCLE USING WASTE HEAT ENERGY FROM THE ENGINE Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Atishey Mittal , Devesh Shukla Subject(s):
Dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles on the move with Mobile Energy Disseminators Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Leandros Maglaras, Jianmin Jiang, Athanasios Maglaras, Frangiskos Topalis, Sotiris Moschoyiannis Subject(s):
NMVSA Greedy Solution for Vertex Cover Problem Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Mohammed Eshtay, Azzam Sliet, Ahmad Sharieh Subject(s):
Inter Prediction Complexity Reduction for HEVC based on Residuals Characteristics Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Kanayah Saurty, Pierre Catherine, Krishnaraj Soyjaudah Subject(s):
A Study on Enhancement of Loadability of Large-Scale Emerging Power Systems by Using FACTS Controllers Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Bindeshwar Singh , N. K. Sharma, , A. N. Tiwari Subject(s):
PSO Based Optimal Placement and Setting of FACTS Devices for Improving the Performance of Power Distribution System Journal title: Bonfring International Journal of Power Systems and Integrated Circuits Authors: Tibin J, Sini X, Chitra S, Cherian V.I, SasidharanSreedharan Subject(s):
Optimization of Neutral Comet Assay for studying DNA double-strand breaks in pea and wheat Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: Ivelina Nikolova, Mariyana Georgieva, Lubomir Stoilov, Zornica Katerova, Desisslava Todorova Subject(s):
A Format-Compliant Selective Encryption Scheme for Real-Time Video Streaming of the H.264/AVC Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Fatma SBIAA, Sonia KOTEL, Medien ZEGHID, Rached TOURKI, Mohsen MACHHOUT, Adel BAGANNE Subject(s):
Motion Estimation Algorithms for Baseline Profile of H.264 Video Codec Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: Dharmendra Jha#1 , Fremin Kannampuzha#2 , Justin Joseph#3 , Stevew Possa#4 , Dr. Deepak Jayaswal*5 ,... Subject(s):
Web Miner: A Tool for Discovery of Usage Patterns From Web Data Journal title: International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Authors: Roop Ranjan , Sameena Naaz , Neeraj Kaushik Subject(s):
A Presumption Mold of Visual Cryptography Design with Dynamic Groups Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER TRENDS & TECHNOLOGY Authors: Sudhakar Badikala , Gowthami Janapatla Subject(s):
A Survey of Emerging ITU-TH.264 Video Encoding Standard Journal title: International Journal of Computer & organization Trends(IJCOT) Authors: Nidhi Seth , Nisha Sadyan Subject(s):
Novel LVCSR Decoder Based on Perfect Hash Automata and Tuple Structures – SPREAD – Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Matej Rojc, Kacic Zdravko Subject(s):
Professor Vincent Tsesarevych Tomashevch – the founder of general surgery department (to his 140-th birthday) Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: M. Trofimov, S. Barannyk , V. Kryshen Subject(s):
Wytwarzanie nanokompozytów PVC/CNT z zastosowaniem czynników dyspergujących Journal title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek Authors: Katarzyna Skórczewska, Danuta Chmielewska, Kazimierz Piszczek, Jolanta Tomaszewska, Tomasz Sterzyńs... Subject(s):