Encryption Based Hybrid DWT-SVD Watermarking Technique for Data Hiding Journal title: Bonfring International Journal of Data Mining Authors: M.P. Anitha , S.S. Lijina Subject(s):
ANTIOXIDANT EFFECTS OF LOVASTATIN ON COPPER-MEDIATED IN-VITRO OXIDATIVE MODIFICATION OF LDL IN INFLAMMATION INDUCED HYPERLIPIDEMIA IN RATS Journal title: International Research Journal of Pharmacy (IRJP) Authors: Amir Khan, Jawed Shozab , Mahesha Nand, Lakhvinder Singh, Rishab Jain , Munish Thakur Subject(s):
A Review on Enhancing the Linearity Characteristic of Different Types of Transducers-A Comparative Study Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: S. Murugan Subject(s):
Triboanalysis in Industry for PVD-coated Stamping Dies Journal title: Tribology in Industry Authors: E. Zdravecká , M. Marton , A. Gmiterko , J. Tkáčová Subject(s):
Isolated External Iliac Vein Occlusion Presenting as Primary Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) – A Diagnostic Pitfall Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Authors: N. Sivaprahasam , G. P. Sekar , A. Janani Subject(s):
NEURAL NETWORK BASED OPTIMISATION OF HARMONICS ON AC - DC SIDES OF HVDC TRANSMISSION Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Smriti Tapadar , Tikeshwar Gajpal Subject(s):
Freshwater habitats in Plovdiv town and its surroundings and their importance for the biodiversity Journal title: Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology Authors: DILYAN GEORGIEV, SLAVEYA PETROVA, GANA GECHEVA, ILIANA VELCHEVA, ANGEL TSEKOV, VESELA YANCHEVA... Subject(s):
IMPROVED SVD - WDR BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION USING GRADIENT BASED OPTIMIZATION Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: Prabhneet Subject(s):
Data Security Using Cryptography and Steganography Techniques Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications Authors: Marwa Saleh, Abdelmgeid Aly, Fatma Omara Subject(s):
Características clínicas y tratamiento de la neurosífilis en un hospital público, Callao 1997-2007. Journal title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica Authors: Walter De la Cruz, Maria Castañeda Subject(s):
Risks and Opportunities of Urbanization – Structure of Two Populations of the Balkan Wall Lizard Podarcis tauricus (Pallas, 1814) in the City of Plovdiv Journal title: Ecologia Balkanica Authors: Ivelin Mollov, Miglena Valkanova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Ecology
OPTIMAL SOLUTION OF WEAK SPOTS PROBLEM IN A GRID SYSTEM BY MEANS OF FACTS DEVICES Journal title: ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA - Seria Inginerie electrica Authors: Tudor RADILOV Subject(s): Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Energy, Mechanical Engineering
Fusion Of HWD And Non Negative Matrix Factorization For Video Watermarking Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Gopika a V Mane Subject(s):
A Hybrid DWT-SVD Based Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm for Copyright Protection Journal title: International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology(IJPTT) Authors: Shuchi Sirmour , Archana Tiwari Subject(s):
Optimization of Vertical Double-Diffused Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (VDMOS) Power Transistor Structure for Use in High Frequencies and Medical Devices Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Rozita Rozita Farhadi, Bita Bita Farhadi Subject(s):