Rabelais’ “culture of folk humor” as a Technique of Archaicized Narration Journal title: Studia Litterarum Authors: I.K. Staf Subject(s): Literature, Languages and Literature
Teenagers’ Cultural Values towards Their Vernacular and Indonesian Languages Journal title: LANGUAGE LITERACY Authors: Anjasmara Tri Dharma, Wan Muthia Lubis, Nur Alfi Syahra Subject(s):
The Structural Components of the Discourse Topic in Selected Call-In Programmes of Egesa FM Journal title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Authors: Changamu Samuel Ondieki, Nyaruri Paul Okinyi, Prof. Constantine Nyamboga Matoke Subject(s):
BIBLICAL CASE MOTIVATED LINGUISTIC UNITS IN VERNACULAR LANGUAGE OF THE XIX C Journal title: Львівський філологічний часопис Authors: О. С. Пальчевська Subject(s):
Kinyarwanda language in education across times: myth or reality? Journal title: Journal of Educational Research and Reviews Authors: Cyprien Niyomugabo Subject(s):